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气候移民新闻_climate change climate immigration concept type

发布时间:2016-10-29 14:41



The Concept and Types of Climate Immigrants Analysis

[1] [2]

CHEN Shao-jun CAO Zhi-fie (National Research Center for Resettlement of Hohai University, Nanjing Jiangsu 210098, China)



AbstrThe problem of climate change and climate change adverse effects bring about a large number of real or potential climate immigration, which has become a challenge of the human society in the 21st century. Climate immigration has become one of the core of universal attention at resent stage. The paper analyzes Climate immigrant problems induced by various climate charge phenomenon such as gradient slow-onset climate risk, extreme mutation of the risks of severe weather caused by subjective and objective superposition role in the social development process. Based on existing research literature, the paper analyzed the mechanism on history and the reality of climate and inducing factors of climate immigration under the historical and practical conditions, in order to grasp the evolution trend of development. Thus, the paper clarifies and defines the concept of climate migrants, in order to reveal climate immigration connotation, characteristics, and attribute. In accordance with inducing factors of climate immigrants, such as the wishes of immigrants, the length of time, spatial region and distance, the paper classifies those inducing factors, the basic root of causing, in order to and help us understand climate immigrants and its evolution law of development.


Keyword::climate change climate immigration concept type


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