本文选题:空间剥夺 切入点:城中村 出处:《地域研究与开发》2014年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:基于空间剥夺理论,选取123份网络文帖,运用网络文本分析方法并借助SPSS 17.0软件分析西安城中村改造中流动人口的空间剥夺结构。西安城中村改造加剧了城中村流动人口的空间剥夺,从资源、情感和机会三方面形成了多重剥夺结构。在资源空间剥夺中,主要产生了由居住、餐饮、娱乐、购物构成的生活类型空间剥夺;情感空间主要体现在与梦想、氛围、怀恋、热闹、亲近等词汇相关的诸多方面,并随着其物质载体的消逝而产生了情感空间剥夺;机会空间剥夺表现在降低其社区资源的可接近性,主客观博弈的结果决定了城中村流动人口的去留。在此基础之上,对城中村改造和城市建设提出了对策建议。
[Abstract]:Based on the theory of space deprivation, 123 online posts are selected. The spatial deprivation structure of floating population in Xi'an urban village reconstruction is analyzed by using the method of network text analysis and SPSS 17.0 software. The transformation of Xi'an urban village intensifies the spatial deprivation of urban village floating population. The three aspects of emotion and opportunity form the structure of multiple deprivation. In the deprivation of resources and space, the space deprivation of life types composed of living, dining, entertainment and shopping is mainly produced, and the emotional space is mainly embodied in the dream, atmosphere and nostalgia. Excitement, closeness and other lexical aspects, and with the disappearance of its material carrier, emotional space deprivation, opportunity space deprivation is reflected in reducing the accessibility of their community resources, The result of subjective and objective game determines whether the floating population of the village in the city will stay or not. On the basis of this, the countermeasures and suggestions for the transformation of the village in the city and the construction of the city are put forward.
【作者单位】: 西安外国语大学旅游学院.人文地理研究所;陕西师范大学旅游与环境学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(41271179) 陕西省教育厅项目(2013JK0057) 西安外国语大学校级科研项目(09XWC27)
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