本文选题:人口空间分布 + 人口普查 ; 参考:《经济地理》2016年07期
[Abstract]:Based on the data of four county (district) censuses from 1982 to 2010 in China, with the aid of standard deviation elliptical analysis method, multi-stage nested Theil coefficient, barycenter curve, spatial distribution map system, etc. This paper makes a comparative analysis of the spatial distribution pattern and changes of population in China, and reveals the basic evolution trend of the spatial distribution of population in China since the reform and opening up. The results show that in the past 30 years, the displacement distance of population center of gravity in China is small, the spatial distribution pattern of population is basically stable, and the spatial distribution of population in the northeast and southwest of China shows a trend of increasing population concentration. The results of multi-stage nested Theil coefficient calculation show that the difference of population spatial distribution in China is decreasing slowly. However, the spatial distribution difference of population in the province and the spatial distribution difference in administrative units at the prefectural level showed an obvious strengthening trend. (3) the barycenter curve of population distribution density change was "wave" shape. On the basis of the distribution map, the population center curve divides the region of population density into no-man 's area, extremely sparse area, relatively sparse area and middle distribution area. There are 8 types of regions in low, medium, high and extreme concentration areas, and the number of county level and population of the eight major regions in the whole study period are more obvious.
【作者单位】: 兰州大学资源环境学院;兰州大学中国西部循环经济研究中心;西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(41471462;41271133) 兰州大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(13LZUJBWZB003) 中央高校基本科研业务专项资金(lzujbky-2015-216)1985E-mail
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