本文选题:康桥镇 + 城乡结合部 ; 参考:《西北师范大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Urban and rural areas are growing rapidly in recent years, the management of foreign population has gradually become one of the key problems of government management in urban-rural areas. Kangqiao Town, as a typical representative of the rapid growth of the foreign population in the urban and rural areas, has accumulated some experience in the management of the foreign population, but there are still many problems. This paper studies the management of the foreign population in the urban-rural junction, taking Kangqiao Town as the starting point of the research, carries out policy interpretation, carries out the defect mining, and probes into the difficulties and key points of the management of the foreign population. In order to provide experience for other regions of urban and rural areas, has a certain practical significance and reference value. On the basis of qualitative analysis, this paper makes use of some quantitative analysis methods, combined with the knowledge of management, sociology and other disciplines, to explore some problems in the management of the alien population in the urban-rural junction of Kangqiao Town as an example. This paper puts forward the ways and methods of management mode and mechanism innovation of exotic population management in Kangqiao Town. This paper points out that the survival and development of the alien population in Kangqiao Town changes with the changes of the economic environment, the institutional environment, the policy environment and the humanistic environment, and analyzes the laws and regulations governing the management of the foreign population. On the basis of the management system frame of Kangqiao foreign population, from the perspective of government public service function, the level of main body demand and the perspective of policy implementation, the author points out that because of the insufficiency of the government in the public service function, the demands of various interest subjects are in conflict. And the deviation in the implementation of the policy has led to the existence of many problems in the education, security, residence and employment of the foreign population. For example, there are omissions in the management of public security. The education management, especially the education of the foreign population and its children, is still far from enough. The understanding of the foreign population management is narrow, there are historical problems in the regional planning, and there are blind areas in the management of the Party members. Then from the concrete situation of Kangqiao Town, this paper puts forward the corresponding exploration and improvement plan of the foreign population management, mainly from three aspects: first, to serve the escrow, strengthen the public service function of the government. It includes promoting the renewal of the household registration system, integrating the function orientation of the local government with the long-term development, weakening the unbalanced phenomenon of regional development, increasing the financial investment and promoting the education fairness. Paying attention to the potential and external needs of various stakeholders, including increasing the controllable resources of local governments, ensuring the basic rights and interests of local residents, and attaching importance to the interaction and self-realization needs of the foreign population; third, promoting institutional construction and strengthening implementation supervision, It includes five aspects: speeding up the construction of foreign population management and security system, avoiding additional policy execution, eliminating symbolic policy implementation, preventing resistance policy implementation and avoiding misinterpretation of policy implementation.
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