本文选题:人口 + 计划生育 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In China, the family planning interest oriented mechanism is that the state, in order to achieve its specific population development goals, applies economic means to give material and spiritual benefits to families or individuals who carry out the family planning policy. Induces and encourages the reproductive behavior consciousness of the broad masses of childbearing age, voluntarily draws close to the national policy direction, thus impels the population quantity, the quality, the structure and so on is advantageous to the population sustainable development and the society harmonious progress one kind of system arrangement. In all stages of controlling the population, stabilizing the low fertility level and solving the population problem as a whole, the benefit guidance mechanism of family planning has played a better role. In the period of overall solution to the population problem, the number, quality, structure and distribution of the population are intertwined and interacted. How to better play the role of family planning interest guidance mechanism and make better use of economic means as a whole? To promote the overall solution of the population problem and promote the long-term balanced development of the population, it is necessary to strengthen the construction and improvement of the policy system oriented by the interests of population and family planning, and to strengthen the establishment of the working mechanism so as to make it conform to the requirements of economic and social development. The important institutional arrangements to promote the reform and development of population and family planning and to promote the healthy development of population and family planning have become an important measure to improve the public service level of population and family planning, to promote the improvement and protection of the people's livelihood of family planning, and to promote the overall solution of the population problem. To promote the population and family planning work into the overall economic and social development of an important grasp. By qualitative analysis, this paper summarizes the process of birth and development of family planning interest orientation, studies and analyses the theoretical basis, scientific connotation and function of family planning interest orientation. Deeply analyzing the major problems that exist in the family planning interest oriented policy system under the new situation that are incompatible with economic and social development, population and family planning work, the new expectations of the people and the current political system, The study puts forward some thoughts and suggestions on perfecting the policy system of population and family planning benefit orientation in China.
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