[Abstract]:The birth problem is not only related to the continuity of individual life, but also to the development of the population and labor of a country and society. It is related to the reproduction and progress of human society. The birth insurance system implemented in China since the founding of new China is the symbol of the state's reconsideration of the problem of fertility. Some birth insurance systems have not adapted to the development of the times. They should also shoulder the need of advancing with the times.
The birth guarantee system is an important part of the social security system of our country, but it is not as good as the old-age security, the medical security and the unemployment guarantee system can arouse the general attention of the state and the society. The neglect of the childbearing guarantee system directly affects the process of the reform of the birth guarantee system. The value orientation of the degree reform has been blurred, and there is no clear value orientation guiding the reform of the birth guarantee system, which leads to the existence of many problems that can not be ignored. One is the lack of equity in the value orientation of the reform of the birth guarantee system in our country, which leads to the coverage of the birth guarantee system and the overall planning. There are unfairness in the level, the payment mechanism and the treatment payment. Two, the lack of guarantee of the value orientation of the reform of the birth guarantee system in our country leads to the damage of the individual reproductive rights of the workers, the unlawful behavior of the enterprise and the poor government's responsibility, and the three is the lack of the value orientation of the reform of the birth guarantee system in our country. The persistence has led to the lack of dynamic development in China's reform measures and the serious neglect of the problem of the elite population. The existence of these problems has brought many negative impacts on the development of the society. On the one hand, it is not conducive to gender equity, group fairness and regional equity, which affects social equity and social harmony. On the one hand, it is not conducive to the long-term and continuity of the effectiveness of the system, which has affected the progress of mankind and the sustainable development of society.
From the study of the existing problems of the value orientation of the birth guarantee system and the negative impact on the society, the value orientation of the reform of the birth guarantee system needs to be clearly defined. This article holds that the most important thing in determining the value orientation of the birth guarantee system in our country is to learn from the advanced experience of foreign countries and apply it scientifically and rationally to our country's reproductive guarantee system. In the choice of the value orientation of the reform, although there are some uncertain values in the value orientation of the reform of the foreign reproductive security system, we can learn valuable experience from the details and measures of the reform of these countries. From the design of the birth guarantee system, the developed countries in the country have been more concerned with the reform of the reproductive security system. In view of the implementation of the policy of population reproduction, many countries have been adhering to the value orientation of sustainability in the population problem, and the sustainable development of population and population quality can be seen from the population and the quality of population. Much attention has been paid to the sustainability of population issues.
To establish the value orientation of the reform of the birth guarantee system in China, in addition to the advanced experience of foreign countries and the specific national conditions of our country, I think it needs to adhere to the two basic principles: Based on the basic national conditions of our country and the future development trend of the society. Under the guidance of these two principles, this paper summarizes and puts forward this paper. The value orientation of the reform of the birth guarantee system in China: first, we should take equity as the basis for reform and the recent goal to achieve fair starting point, process fairness and distribution fairness. Second, we should take sustainability as the aim and final target of the reform and have a forward-looking thinking model. At the same time, we should coordinate the relationship between the recent and the final goals. In order to guide the reform of China's reproductive security system in a scientific and rational direction.
In a word, only under the guidance of the clear value orientation can we promote the process of the reform of the birth guarantee system in our country, make our birth guarantee system keep pace with the times, give full play to the role of ensuring the fundamental interests of the crowd under the guidance of fairness and sustainability, safeguard the fairness and stability of the society, and promote the harmonious and sustainable development of the society. Exhibition.
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