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发布时间:2018-07-26 13:55
[Abstract]:Hebei Province, as the first pilot province of free pre-pregnancy health examination service, has effectively reduced the risk of birth defects and promoted the harmony and happiness of families in the whole province since the implementation of the project for three years. Up to now, the province has invested 219 million yuan in free pre-pregnancy health examination services, serving 914000 people. The population, family planning and financial departments at all levels have attached great importance to the investment of special funds for free pre-pregnancy health checks and actively ensure that the matching funds are in place in full and on time. For the promotion of free pre-pregnancy health check has played an important role in funding. How to manage and use this fund safely and efficiently, combine the scientific development idea, take the organization guarantee, the standard operation, the performance monitor as the work center, standardize the fund operation procedure, ensure the fund safety, control the fund risk, It is an important subject in front of us to explore and establish a safe and efficient operation mode of special funds for free pre-pregnancy health examination and to solve the problems in the process of special fund management.
【作者单位】: 河北省人口计生委;


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