[Abstract]:With the development of Shanghai's social and economic development, in 2015, the total city of Shanghai completed 2 trillion and 512 billion 345 million yuan. According to the comparable price, it increased 6.6%. Shanghai as the economic and financial center of China. The economy continued to grow steadily. However, there was a relationship between the economic growth and the sustained growth of the population, even possible. In order to understand the development of the population, economy and environment in Shanghai, it is necessary for us to make a careful exploration of the coordination relationship between population, economy and environment in Shanghai. The writing framework of this paper begins with the background of the research on the coupling coordination of the population economy environment in Shanghai. A series of related studies on the development of population economic environment coupling coordination at home and abroad are studied. Then, the mechanism of coordinated development between population, economy and environment is studied. Then, the calculation of the system coupling coordination degree model is expounded. At the same time, an improved method is introduced. Finally, the population economy ring of Shanghai city is introduced. In this paper, the development level of the population economic environment system in Shanghai and some rationalization proposals are analyzed. The data of the population, the economic and the environment related to the 2000~2015 year in Shanghai are explored. On the basis of the entropy value method system coupling model proposed by the scholars in the past, this paper points out the original. There is a shortage of evaluation methods in some aspects. At the same time, the concept of system equilibrium development is proposed, and the original evaluation method is improved. The performance of system coordination with entropy value method and system coupling model is not ideal in two special situations: one is at least one subsystem in the N subsystem. When the integrated benefit is zero, the coordination degree of the composite system at least (n 12 1--) is zero, so the composite system has a relatively high comprehensive benefit and a zero coordination degree, and the two is that the coordination degree is very high when the comprehensive benefits of each subsystem are close and the value is very small, although coupling development is used for coupling. The coordination degree is revised to replace the coordination degree of the system, but it still has high coordination degree. Based on this, this paper defines a new variable of system equilibrium development degree, and tries to calculate the variable with the improved method, so that the coordination degree and comprehensive benefit of the composite system are evaluated in a balanced way. In the year of 2000~2015, Shanghai City The analysis of the coordination degree of the population economic environment system found that the comprehensive benefit of the human mouth system in Shanghai has not changed much. The environment subsystem has the volatility in the process of growth, the best performance is the economic subsystem, and the development of the two yuan composite system is in the normal level, 2000~2011 years. The growth trend of the two two yuan system of population economic and economic environment is similar, while the two two yuan system of population, environment and economy and environment in 2011~2015 year has the trend of first descending and then rising. The population economic two yuan system continues to grow steadily. The reason is that the comprehensive benefit of the environment subsystem in 2012 has been lower than that of the last year. As a result, the two two composite systems associated with them are affected, and the overall benefit of the three yuan system, the coupling development degree and the balanced development trend are similar to the whole population economic environment system, and the equilibrium development degree is between the comprehensive benefit and the coupling development degree, compared with the comprehensive benefit and coupling development. The performance is more robust. From the trend of the development level of the three evaluation indicators, it is possible to predict that the population economy environment of Shanghai will maintain a steady state of development in 2016~2017.
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