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发布时间:2018-09-18 19:54
【摘要】:作为世界上人口最多的发展中国家,人口问题始终是制约我国全面协调及可持续发展的重大问题,是关系到构建社会主义和谐社会的问题,是关系到我国能否实现全面小康建设目标的战略问题。计划生育是我国的一项长期国策,其中宣传教育是实现国家指导最重要的途径之一。具有中国特色的计划生育工作,需要特别重视宣传和教育。宣传教育作为舆论导向和“精神食粮”,伴随着计划生育工作走过了艰难的历程,取得了可喜的成就,为转变群众的传统生育观念,提高人口素质,起到了重要的作用。 深圳经济特区建立以来,历届政府都非常重视人口和计划生育工作,也取得了一定的成绩,但作为一个新兴的年轻城市,人口倒挂现象突出,面对数以百万计的外来流动人口,基层的计划生育问题逐渐突显,工作难度也逐渐增大。如何创新工作理念、工作方法和工作机制,从而在倡导理念、宣传政策、普及知识、建设先进文化、提供公共服务、引导群众婚育观念和行为转变等方面发挥作用,营造统筹解决人口问题的社会大氛围,是深圳基层计划生育特别是宣教工作需要解决的一个现实课题。 本文从政府购买服务的历史背景和运用政府购买服务、治理理论等公共管理学的理论与方法探讨入手,对深圳市的人口和计划生育工作进行了认真系统分析,从深圳市人口和计划生育工作的现状出发,对制约工作发展的突出矛盾进行了深入剖析,研究了工作中存在的问题和形成问题的根源,有针对性地提出加强和完善深圳市人口和计划生育工作的对策建议。根据深圳市基层工作的实际,作者认为,深圳市应从建立网络型管理体系、实施层级动态管理、推进政府社会化采购等方面进一步完善基层计生宣教工作,进一步提升计生宣教工作的效率和质量。论文具有较强的现实意义,为深圳市制定人口与社会、经济可持续发展政策提供了实践依据。
[Abstract]:As the most populous developing country in the world, the population problem has always been a major problem that restricts the overall coordination and sustainable development of our country, and is related to the construction of a harmonious socialist society. It is a strategic problem related to whether our country can achieve the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way. Family planning is a long-term national policy of our country, among which propaganda and education is one of the most important ways to realize national guidance. Family planning with Chinese characteristics needs special attention to publicity and education. Propaganda and education, as the guidance of public opinion and "spiritual food", with the family planning work has gone through a difficult process, has made gratifying achievements, has played an important role in changing the traditional fertility concept of the masses and improving the quality of the population. Since the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, successive governments have attached great importance to the work of population and family planning, and have made certain achievements. However, as a new young city, the phenomenon of population inversion is prominent, facing millions of migrant population. The problem of family planning at the grassroots level is gradually highlighted, and the difficulty of work is gradually increasing. How to innovate the concept of work, working methods and working mechanism so as to play a role in advocating ideas, propagating policies, popularizing knowledge, building advanced culture, providing public services, guiding the transformation of the concept and behavior of marriage and childbearing among the masses, etc. To create a social atmosphere for solving population problems as a whole is a practical issue that needs to be solved in basic level family planning, especially in the field of propaganda in Shenzhen. This paper starts with the historical background of government purchase service and discusses the theories and methods of public management, such as government purchase service and governance theory, and makes a serious and systematic analysis of the population and family planning work in Shenzhen. Proceeding from the present situation of population and family planning work in Shenzhen, the paper makes an in-depth analysis of the outstanding contradictions that restrict the development of the work, and studies the problems existing in the work and the root causes of the problems. The countermeasures and suggestions to strengthen and perfect the population and family planning work in Shenzhen are put forward. According to the reality of the grass-roots work in Shenzhen, the author believes that Shenzhen should further improve the propaganda and education work of grass-roots family planning students from the aspects of establishing a network management system, implementing dynamic management at different levels, and promoting socialized government procurement. Further improve the efficiency and quality of education for family planning students. The paper has a strong practical significance and provides a practical basis for the formulation of population, social and economic sustainable development policies in Shenzhen.


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