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发布时间:2018-10-15 15:33
【摘要】:本文通过介绍明代洪洞大槐树移民的历史背景,以及由移民所形成的寻根文化的历史演变,认真分析寻根文化所体现的民族情感,并欲藉此说明对我国目前进行社会主义核心价值体系的建设以及社会主义文化建设起到重要的推动和促进作用。 六百多前,明政府在洪洞大槐树进行了一场史无前例的大移民。这次移民活动从洪武三年开始,到永乐十五年结束,历时五十年,把上百万移民从大槐树迁徙到冀、鲁、豫、皖等18个省。随着历史的推进,时代的发展,移民后裔已遍布大江南北,甚至跨洋过海,在异国他乡生根开花。正如江泽民同志所说:“全球凡是有华人的地方,就有大槐树的后裔”大槐树已经成为中华人文的一个重要元素,成为铭记在移民后裔心灵深处的民族烙印,人们将永以为记,引以为豪。“问我故乡在何处,山西洪洞大槐树”,在世界各民族中,中华民族是最重故乡、最重祖先的民族,而寻根祭祖是中华民族的传统美德。在改革开放以后,洪洞县也加大了宣传力度,让全国乃至全球的华人了解现在的洪洞、了解大槐树的移民历史、了解亿万移民后裔的老家,将洪洞600年来形成的独特移民“寻根文化”发扬光大。众多大槐树移民后裔,从祖国的四面八方回到老家洪洞,聆听乡音,凭吊先祖,认祖归宗,寻根问祖。在经过六百年的变迁后,移民后裔把洪洞喻为“家”、称作“根”、看作“祖”,成为无数人魂牵梦绕的故乡 党的十七届六中全会提出:“社会主义核心价值体系是兴国之魂,是社会主义先进文化的精髓,决定着中国特色社会主义发展方向”。社会主义核心价值体系是以爱国主义为核心的民族精神,爱国主义教育是全面教育,而重点是广大青少年,面对当代大学生爱国主义、民族精神的缺乏,应对他们加强思想政治教育,树立他们正确的人生观和价值观。同时在社会主义建设中,我们应该把文化建设同爱国主义教育、民族精神紧密联系起来,弘扬中华民族优秀文化传统,从而推动社会主义文化的大繁荣。洪洞大槐树“寻根文化”,既继承了中华民族的传统文化,又增强了移民后裔和海内外华人的民族认同感和归属感,同时维系着槐乡儿女和海内外移民后裔的感情,提升中华民族凝聚力和向心力。“寻根文化"也成为教育当代大学生爱国主义教育和民族精神教育的现实载体,从而推动了社会主义核心价值体系的建立。
[Abstract]:By introducing the historical background of the migration of Sophora japonica in Hongdong in the Ming Dynasty and the historical evolution of the root-seeking culture formed by the immigrants, this paper analyzes the national feelings embodied in the root-seeking culture. It is also intended to play an important role in promoting and promoting the construction of the socialist core value system and the socialist cultural construction in China. More than 600 years ago, the Ming government carried out an unprecedented immigration in Hongdong. The migration activities began in Hongwu three years ago and ended in 15 years in Yongle, and lasted 50 years. The migration of millions of immigrants from Big Sophora trees to 18 provinces such as Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Anhui and so on. With the advancement of history and the development of the times, the descendants of immigrants have spread all over the river, even across the sea, taking root and blossoming in another country. As Comrade Jiang Zemin said: "wherever there are Chinese people in the world, there are descendants of Sophora japonica." Big Sophora tree has become an important element of Chinese culture and a national mark bearing in mind the hearts and minds of the descendants of immigrants, and people will always think that it will be remembered. Be proud of yourself. "ask my hometown where, Shanxi Hongdong big Sophora tree," in the world, the Chinese nation is the most important hometown, the most important ancestors of the nation, and seeking roots to worship ancestors is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. After the reform and opening up, Hongdong County has also stepped up its publicity efforts to let Chinese people throughout the country and around the world understand the present Hongdong, understand the migration history of Big Sophora tree, and understand the hometown of the descendants of hundreds of millions of immigrants. Hongdong over the past 600 years to form a unique immigrant "root-seeking culture" to carry forward. Many great tree immigrant descendants, from the motherland from all sides back home Hongdong, listening to the township sound, ancestral memorial, ancestral homecoming, seeking roots to ask ancestors. After 600 years of change, the descendants of immigrants referred to Hong Dong as "home", called "root", as "ancestor". The sixth Plenary session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, which became the home of countless people, put forward: "the socialist core value system is the soul of rejuvenating the country and the quintessence of socialist advanced culture, which determines the development direction of socialism with Chinese characteristics." The socialist core value system is a national spirit with patriotism as the core, patriotism education is a comprehensive education, and the emphasis is on the vast number of young people, facing the patriotism of contemporary college students, the lack of national spirit, We should strengthen their ideological and political education and establish their correct outlook on life and values. At the same time, in socialist construction, we should closely link cultural construction with patriotic education and national spirit, carry forward the excellent cultural tradition of the Chinese nation, and promote the prosperity of socialist culture. The "root-seeking culture" of Hongdong Big Sophora tree not only inherits the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, but also strengthens the sense of national identity and belonging of the descendants of immigrants and Chinese at home and abroad, and at the same time maintains the feelings of the sons and daughters of Huai Township and the descendants of immigrants from home and abroad. Enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the Chinese nation. "Root-seeking Culture" has also become the realistic carrier to educate contemporary college students in patriotism education and national spirit education, thus promoting the establishment of socialist core value system.


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