[Abstract]:Population is the main body of regional economic activity, it is the most active factor in regional development, and it is of great significance to study regional population distribution and its change to regional analysis and planning. Population concentration is a composite index to evaluate the degree of population concentration in the region. It is composed of two elements of population density and population flow intensity. It can reflect the process and trend of regional population aggregation comprehensively. Compared with traditional measure index, it has more theoretical connotation and practical significance. Most of the resource-rich areas are rich in resources, underdeveloped in economy, fragile in ecological environment and very important for human activities. Sensitive. The reserves of coal resources in Shiten area are abundant, and it is an important energy chemical base in Shaanxi Province. In recent years, due to the development of resources, economic growth and population concentration change have been driven by the development of resources. In order to promote the rational redistribution of the population of the resource-rich region, we can realize the rational redistribution of the population of the resource-rich region. The coordination and sustainable development of population, economy and resource environment are of great importance This paper starts with the connotation and the geographical meaning of the population concentration degree, analyzes the relation between resource development and population concentration change, improves the measure method of the population concentration degree, Based on the survey data, the population concentration and the change of population in each township in 2000 and 2010 are comprehensively evaluated. The influence of factors such as resource development on the change of population is analyzed, and the trend of population aggregation is predicted according to the evaluation results, and the phases are put forward. Recommendation for closing countermeasures. This article has to The main conclusions are as follows: (1) In general, the population concentration change is large in the period 2000-2010, the population flow intensity is remarkably improved, but the population density change is not large, and the population set In terms of local view, the change of population flow intensity and population concentration pattern and resource development activities have very strong space-time consistency, and the towns with large population concentration and population flow intensity change are basically the areas of key development of coal resources, and are exhausted due to resource depletion Township, population gathering, and (2) Resource development is the leading factor that affects the change of population concentration in Shiten area, which directly affects the change of population flow intensity in the region, and the transfer of rural labor force is the result of large proportion. The main reason for the decline of population density in sub-towns is the direct relationship between the development of resources and the influence of resource exploitation on regional economy; urbanization is the main reason leading to a large increase in the concentration of population in the central town of county. However, the population gathering capacity of other towns is weak. (3) In the future, the population of the ten-year-old area will be concentrated as the main trend, and the urban agglomeration strengthened by the county central town and the resource development activities will be continuously increased, so as to take the space function area Guided by the thought and principles, through the introduction of different industrial policies and population policies in the areas of urbanization, agricultural regions and ecological regions, resource development and population agglomeration are optimized.
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