[Abstract]:Since 1990, China's population mortality rate has stabilized at a low level, and population changes are mainly determined by the birth rate. Population change is not only a simple population problem, but also the result of a series of factors, such as system, economy, society, concept, behavior and so on. The influencing factors of birth rate have different effects at different time points and regions. Even in the same time and space, because of different conditions, the direction and intensity of action are different, and the result is different. This paper makes a theoretical and empirical study on the trend and influencing factors of birth rate in China during the period from 1990 to 2008, and forecasts the population changes in the short and medium term. It is of great significance for our country to make population policy scientifically and maintain social stability and harmonious development. On the basis of summarizing the previous studies, this paper firstly carries out descriptive statistical analysis on the current situation of population change in China, which provides a realistic basis for the study of the influencing factors of population change. Secondly, through the combination of theoretical analysis and quantitative analysis, using the experimental design method, Granger causality test and other methods, using time series data and cross-section data to study the impact factors of population change since 1990. The influence degree of the influencing factors of the population change is obtained by the analysis. Finally, the birth rate prediction model is established by using Winbugs software, and the population changes such as birth rate, total population size and population age structure are forecasted, and relevant policy suggestions are put forward based on the prediction results. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) assuming the stable development of economy and society, the birth rate of our country will decrease year by year in the future. The total population of our country will reach a peak of 1.4034967 billion in 2026, and then show a decreasing trend year after year. (2) the policy factor of family planning population is not a significant factor in the continuous decline of birth rate since 1990. (3) Economic factors. The factors of population mobility and education are the significant influencing factors of population change. (4) assuming the stable development of economy and society, according to the forecast results, the aging index of our country will exceed 100 by 2020, and the burden coefficient of old age will increase year by year. This will put forward a severe test to the social old-age system of our country. (5) the relevant policy recommendations in view of the conclusions of the study are: the population fertility policy should be rationally adjusted; We should actively establish a social security system adapted to the floating population, and do a good job in providing social welfare, medical care for the aged and retirement pensions according to the predicted results of the changes in the age structure of the population; Taking active measures such as delaying the legal retirement age and slowing down the rapid aging of the population will have a negative impact on the sustainable social and economic development of our country.
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