[Abstract]:Population distribution and energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions are interacted and interacted. Transportation facilities based on population distribution can help reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions. Therefore, it is of great significance to explore the relationship between population distribution and transportation energy. There are two forms of population distribution: static and dynamic. The static population distribution leads to the uneven traffic density, which is closely related to the transportation distance, and the dynamic population distribution leads to the fluctuation of the traffic volume. Travel distance and traffic volume are the two main reasons for the increase of traffic energy consumption. Based on the above two logical clues, this paper will quantify the relationship between population distribution and land transportation energy consumption and carbon emissions. The theoretical significance of this study lies in: as an extension of demographic analysis, the theory and method of population distribution are applied to discuss the influencing factors and changing laws of traffic energy consumption. From static population to traffic density, from dynamic population to transport volume, it will ultimately affect energy consumption and carbon emissions. One side connects the population, the other connects the energy. The main research results of this paper are as follows: first, quantifying the relationship between population distribution and traffic energy consumption from two clues: static and dynamic; Secondly, according to the coordination degree between traffic development and population distribution, 32 provincial administrative regions are divided into six regions, and the traffic characteristics of each region are discussed respectively. Thirdly, the traffic accessibility index of 2862 county-level cities is calculated and compared with the characteristics of population distribution, and the distribution law is summarized. Fourth, adjusted and corrected the accounting method of transportation energy consumption and related carbon dioxide emissions in China, estimated that the energy consumption of road and railway transportation in 2008 was about 217.51 million tons of standard coal, and the emission was about 421.01 million tons of carbon dioxide; Fifth, the transportation energy consumption between Shanghai and each province is calculated for the first time. Shanghai as the receiving end, Shanxi (19200 tons of standard coal), Inner Mongolia (16400 tons of standard coal) and other major coal-producing provinces of railway transport energy consumption is the largest; The transportation energy consumption of Xinjiang (21300 tons of standard coal) and Sichuan (18700 tons of standard coal), which is far from Shanghai, is the largest.
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