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发布时间:2018-12-08 12:50
[Abstract]:Population migration is an important way to realize urbanization, which, in turn, promotes population migration. Population migration, especially during the Spring Festival transportation period, is a unique phenomenon in China, which is the result of the influence of traditional culture and the optimal allocation of human resources in the process of economic and social transformation. At present, under the background of frequent population mobility in China, although the population of Changchun still keeps the trend of steady growth, the phenomenon of population loss in Northeast China is very obvious. This paper takes Changchun as the research object, obtains the population migration data of Changchun and other cities from 2015 to 2016 from the "Baidu Migration" platform, through the use of order scale analysis, class clock theory, ArcGIS natural break point method, The characteristics of population migration during Spring Festival transportation in Changchun were studied by exploratory spatial data analysis method. The data of population migration include two directions, that is, the migration of population from Changchun to other cities and the migration of population from other cities to Changchun. Based on the study of the characteristics of population migration, this paper analyzes the main factors affecting migration, such as regional and urban-rural economic differences, transportation distance, population mobility background, urban grade and function. At the same time, from the point of view of urban geography, this paper puts forward some measures to deal with the problem of population migration, such as perfecting the economic structure of Jilin Province, optimizing the rank structure of provincial cities, and exploring a new model of urbanization. Grasp the temporal changes of population migration and analyze the motivation of population migration. Through the study of this paper, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) during the Spring Festival transportation period, the migration linkages tend to be in several cities with strong ties with Changchun, while the population migration tends to be associated with more cities after the year; The temporal changes of population migration can be subdivided into three distinct stages. However, the periods of population emigration and urban migration tend to be different. (2) macroscopically, the cities with strong migration links with Changchun are mainly located in the near or regional central cities of Northeast China, Beijing, Tianjin and Tang, Central and South North China, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Southeast Coastal region and Chengdu-Chongqing area. The distance of population moving out of Changchun is obviously larger than that of moving in, and the density of moving into the city in North China is larger than that of moving out. (3) there is a significant spatial autocorrelation between Changchun and Changchun in terms of spatial distribution. In space performance for obvious agglomeration. At the same time, the spatial correlation and importance of population migration in the southeastern part of Northeast China, the northern part of North China and the Bohai Rim region are more obvious. (4) the migration characteristics of the population during the recent spring transportation in Changchun have some stability.


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