Bo Yibo is not only the leader of exploring the construction road of socialism withChinese characteristics considering Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping as the core, but also thecreator of socialist economic construction in China as well as the important leader offinancial strategic course. As the elder Proletarian Revolutionist of the Party and the State, BoYibo participated in some important economic decisions of the Party and the State, as well asthe leader of putting the important economic decisions into practice. Bo Yibo once proposedmany correct economic thoughts and opinions at that time and those even correct at now, andwhich have played a better role in developing economy. The main contents of Bo Yibo’seconomic thought can be divided into many aspects, while the six aspects of EmphasizingAgricultural Economic Development, Emphasizing Industrial Basic Construction DevelopingCommercial Economy, Reforming Economic System, Integrated Balance of DevelopingEconomy at the ratio and National Economic Management Thought are to stated in this thesis.Bo Yibo’s economic thought has greatly enriched and developed Mao Zedong’s economicthought and provided good thought source of initiation for Deng Xiaoping’s theory.Since the founding of New China, from the beginning of recovery and reconstruction ofChinese economy to the new stage of reforming of economic development in the ThirdSession of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party, Bo Yibo has always focused onexploring Chinese socialist economic development and fully considered how to implementsocialist economic construction. Bo Yibo’s economic thought is one important theoreticalresults from his exploration in Chinese economic development as well as the importanttheoretical result of Chinese economic thought. Bo Yibo’s economic thought is the premise ofengaging in economic development construction and implementing scientific development ofeconomy. The thesis focuses on analysis&research on development process and theoreticalresource of Bo Yibo’s economic thought, summarizing the main content of Bo Yibo’seconomic thought in the course of Chinese economic construction history development,stating&analyzing theoretical features of Bo Yibo’s economic thought, analyzing&researching historical limitation of Bo Yibo’s thought in objective aspect and objectivelystating effect&importance of Bo Yibo’s economic thought.In the first part of the thesis, it states research purpose, subject importance and researchmethod of Bo Yibo’s economic thought to make the Chinese researcher to being familiar withthe current situation of Bo Yibo’s economic thought. In the second part of the thesis, it states development course and theoretical resource ofBo Yibo’s economic thought. Analyze and research on development course and theoreticalresource of Bo Yibo’s economic thought to disclose the formation&development courseunder the subjective&objective element of Bo Yibo’s economic thought.In the third part of the thesis, it states the main contents of Bo Yibo’s economic thought.Analyze&state Bo Yibo’s economic thought from the six aspects of EmphasizingAgricultural Economic Development, Emphasizing Industrial Basic Construction DevelopingCommercial Economy, Reforming Economic System, Integrated Balance of DevelopingEconomy at the ratio and National Economic Management Thought to know the exploration&contribution of Bo Yibo’s economic thought to Chinese socialist economic thought intheory and practice.In the fourth part of the thesis, it states the effect and importance of Bo Yibo’s economicthought.Evaluate&analyze the positive effect and negative effect of Bo Yibo’s economicthought, and the leading position of Bo Yibo’s economic thought in the course of exploringChinese economic development.Thus, systematical research on Bo Yibo’s economic thought plays an important role inour acknowledging&summarizing economic development course in New China as well asprovides the guidance of building the socialist economy with Chinese characteristics.
中文摘要4-6ABSTRACT6-7引言12-16 (一)研究目的和选题意义12-13 (二)国内研究状况13-15 (三)选题的研究方法15-16一、薄一波经济思想发展历程与理论来源16-20 (一)薄一波经济思想发展历程16-17 1. 在革命战争中萌芽16 2. 在国民经济恢复中奠定基础16-17 3. 在全面建设时期中基本形成17 4. 改革开放时期进一步提高17 (二)薄一波经济思想的理论来源17-20 1. 马克思主义理论的影响18-19 2. 毛泽东思想的影响19-20二、薄一波经济思想的主要内容20-43 (一)重视农业经济发展20-24 1. 坚持农业在国民经济中的基础地位20-21 2. 提高生产效率,扩大农业再生产21-24 (二)重视工业基本建设24-27 1. 重视工业基本建设的重要性24-25 2. 发展工业基本建设的措施25-27 (三)发展商业经济27-30 1. 重视商业27-28 2. 保护和鼓励私营商业28-29 3. 调整商业内部关系29-30 (四)改革经济体制30-34 1. 经济体制影响经济发展30-31 2. 坚定农村家庭联产承包责任制31-32 3. 指出计划和市场是经济体制改革的核心问题32-33 4. 提出建立社会主义有计划的商品经济体制33-34 (五)按比例综合平衡发展经济34-40 1. 平衡农、工、商关系34-35 2. 平衡重工业与轻工业发展35-37 3. 积累和消费之间的平衡37-40 (六)国民经济管理思想40-43 1. 薄一波经营管理思想的发展40-41 2. 国民经济的宏观经营管理41-42 3. 国民经济的微观经营管理42-43三、薄一波经济思想的影响与地位43-50 (一)薄一波经济思想的影响43-45 1. 薄一波经济思想的积极影响43-45 2. 薄一波经济思想的消极影响45 (二)薄一波经济思想的地位45-50 1. 薄一波经济思想承前启后的作用45-49 2. 薄一波经济思想是马克思主义中国化的有机组成部分49-50结语50-51参考文献51-54致谢54-55作者攻读硕士论文期间的研究成果55-56