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发布时间:2018-05-12 00:07

  本文选题:顾颉刚 + 新历史考据学派 ; 参考:《史学史研究》2013年03期

[Abstract]:In the period of the Republic of China, Gu Jiegang used "us" and "them" to demarcate the academic boundary between the new historical textual school and the Marxist historical school, and adopted an attitude of "respecting the historical materialism" and advocating the theory of "division of work and cooperation". Adhere to their different academic path, lack of active communication and substantive cooperation. During the period of New China, Gu Jiegang experienced the mental process of "from resisting transformation to accepting transformation". He not only negated and criticized himself, tried hard to accept historical materialism, but also couldn't give up his academic ideas completely. Present the contradictory state of "melt but do not enter". The historical values of the new historical textual school have shaped Gu Jiegang's basic attitude to historical materialism. Although he constantly adjusts this kind of values and Marxist historical values are the root of his thought pain. The evolution of Gu Jiegang's attitude towards historical materialism reflects the change of the pattern of Chinese modern historiography, and also reflects the efforts of Chinese historians to seek the modernization of historiography and to explore different paradigms of modern historiography. Both the paradigm of scientific historiography and the paradigm of Marxist historiography have their historical and academic value, and the modernization of historiography needs diversified existence and exploration.
【作者单位】: 华中师范大学历史文化学院;


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