[Abstract]:Xie Bin was one of the pioneers in the study of frontier history and geography during the period of the Republic of China. His A brief History of Tibet negotiations and the Tibet issue are one of the earliest books devoted to the Tibet issue in China. The book, based on the Sino-British negotiations on the "Tibet issue" between the years of Guang Xu and 1919, analyzes the policy of the central government governing Tibet from the end of the Qing Dynasty to the beginning of the Republic of China and its gains and losses, as well as the purpose, means and process of the British invasion of Tibet. The change of attitude of Tibetan local government towards central government and British colonists points out the origin of Tibet problem. The two books are rich in historical data and have the author's unique views. They are important works of academic research on Sino-British relations and the Tibet issue in this period. But some references in the book are open to question.
【作者单位】: 衡阳师范学院人文社会科学系;
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