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发布时间:2018-10-07 18:01
[Abstract]:Chinese tradition deeply believes in "learning from history". However, its existence and value, on the one hand, face a powerful challenge from the tradition of Western rationalism; on the other hand, as a kind of "metaphor", it is not without problems, so it is necessary to demonstrate logic and facts. About the first aspect. In his philosophy of History, Hegel expresses a clear negative attitude towards the existence and value of historical experience, and reveals three problems from his words: first, the lesson of historical experience is that, No one has ever learned any lessons from them; second, people have the freedom to refuse, even if there are historical lessons; and third, whether there are identical or interlinked lessons in the course of change. The answer to question 1 is: Heath's saying is a paradox, (paradox). The answer to question 2 is that, as Hegel put it, people have their own freedom of choice when it comes to the lessons of history, but there is no more freedom to choose as a result of this freedom. Moreover, the historical premise of choice is not free to choose. From the failure to accept the lessons of history, one can prove that the lessons of history exist and work. Freedom of choice is nothing but freedom in the absence of liberty. The answer to question 3 is: no. Why? Since the historical experience and lessons are produced in the history, it must be inseparable from the historical conditions by which it is produced, and it must be historic. Since mankind lives in history, it can only be satisfied with historical experience and lessons. However, there is also a "constant" in the "change" of history. The relative stability or "Chang" in the process of history is not the same at different levels. In short, as long as the relevant historical conditions still exist at a certain level, The corresponding experience and lessons are effective. On the second aspect. Two questions can be asked. First, take the mirror as the mirror, see is oneself, and take the history as the mirror, but see the other. How can history be the mirror? Second, the word "Jian" originates from the word "supervision", the original meaning of supervision is that people see themselves in the still water of the vessels, while history is the Yangtze River. How can the river flow be a mirror?. The answer to question one is that what we see in the mirror as an intermediary is only our own image. It is not the real self, but the other who reflects the essence of our appearance. In fact, the realization of self-knowledge can only be achieved through the reflection of (reflexion) as the intermediary of the other. The answer to question 2 is that people recognize their needs in a variety of ways, and different needs or intentions determine the choice of different intermediaries, for example, if you want to know your image, you can choose a mirror. If you need to know the health of the lung, you can use X-ray photography, to know your historical situation and future, you have to use history books. Therefore, a deep understanding of the metaphorical meaning of "learning from history" actually requires logical analysis.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学历史学院;


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