[Abstract]:Zheng Qiao is an outstanding scholar in Song Dynasty of our country. He has devoted his life to academic research, and has made great achievements in many fields, which has had a profound influence on later generations. From the perspective of philology, this paper attempts to investigate Zheng Qiao's efforts for the development of Chinese philology from many aspects, to show his achievements in the field of philology, and to make a more comprehensive and in-depth discussion of Zheng Qiao as a philologist. The full text is divided into four parts: the first part: discusses Zheng Qiao's life and works. Zheng Qiao assiduously, content with the spirit of poor scholarship, he wrote a large number of academic works. The second part: expound Zheng Qiao's great achievement in literature collation. This part mainly from his compilation of Tongzhi, the Confucian classics from two aspects of analysis. The third part: discuss Zheng Qiao's theory about document arrangement. These theories include literature search and search theory, literature arrangement and description theory, literature description theory, and the discussion of the literature on the ornament of gold and stone. The fourth part: the analysis of Zheng Qiao on the compilation of historical books. This part includes his views on the style, attitude, requirements and purpose of the compilation of historical books.
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