[Abstract]:Ancient Chinese historiography contains rich historical theoretical heritage. In recent years, historians, especially the researchers of the history of Chinese historiography, have done a lot of work in exploring, combing and explaining the ancient Chinese historical theory, and have produced a number of influential academic achievements. As a special publication of history theory, history education, history literature and history compilation, we always pay attention to the new development of the above fields. In order to promote the research in this area and to promote the further development of the theory of history, we have invited several professional researchers to discuss the general knowledge and wisdom of Chinese ancient historians and the concept of ancient Chinese history. The historical and cultural identity in Chinese history and the theory of the origin of ancient China have written a series of articles, hoping to arouse more attention and discussion in the field of history.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学历史学院、史学理论与史学史研究中心;
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