[Abstract]:The study of Biographical Materials of Qing Dynasty (2000 Edition of Commercial Press) is devoted to biographical historical materials. History shows that the noble moral sentiment, work ability and career contribution of the ancients have become the spiritual strength of future generations. The stories and spiritual world recorded by biographies, the reader will be combined with the social values, personality, temperament, occupation, experience of some kind of similarity, resonance, love and hate, affinity, and even integration. Naturally, we can get enlightenment from the history of the Master, acquire wisdom, understand the truth of life, understand the social trend, and create a better life. In order to read a good biography, we need to understand the characters in an all-round way, be on guard against preconceptions, fall into a blind state, affect the acquisition of knowledge, and have both love and hate feelings and a detached attitude towards historical figures. At the same time, pay attention to the relationship between the individual and the times, so as to understand the emergence of individual behavior and its impact on society.
【作者单位】: 南开大学中国社会史研究中心;
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