[Abstract]:The outstanding achievements of historical masterpieces are closely related to the originality and rationality of historiographers' compilation thought, but they have not been paid enough attention to in the past. Today, we should strengthen the discussion on the idea of compilation, deeply explain the historians' understanding of the objective historical process, and highlight the most valuable things that historians want to emphasize and highlight. According to his definite compilation thoughts, historians should make the narration, discussion and organization of the historical works. Shang Shu is the earliest historical book in China. The founding value of its compilation thought lies in its strong historical consciousness. It is extremely precious to record the development of ancient Chinese civilization, to sum up the idea of "taking history as a mirror" clearly in the view of history, to open up the early stage of the later generation's "narrator" in the method of compilation, and at the same time, to have the originality of the original and the last body of the chronicle at the same time. The important reason why Si Maqian's Records of History has become a model of traditional historiography lies in its successful implementation of the compilation thought of "the words of one Family", and the cooperation of five genres, such as "this Ji", "Table", "Book", "Family", "Biography", etc. This paper constructs a grand social "whole history", attaches importance to the decisive role of "man" in the historical process, and dares to put forward original views on history and social problems. Only by grasping the key link of the compilation thought, the historian can promote the development of Chinese historiography and greatly enhance its ideological value.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学历史学院史学研究所;
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