发布时间:2021-09-08 11:21
In 2020 with a pandemic sweeping the world, global political and economic orders seriously disrupted and tens of millions of human lives threatened, the spread of the novel coronavirus is the world’s number one challenge. China has efficiently organized domestic epidemic control and vigorously promoted international cooperation in the battle against the pandemic by advancing head-of-state diplomacy. In this ongoing crisis,China has actively led the way for global public health governance,promote...
【文章来源】:Contemporary International Relations. 2020,30(05)
【文章页数】:16 页
Crisis on Several Fronts
China Is Hit Hard
Aid to International Community
Promoting Unity
Head of State Leads Diplomacy
Anti-epidemic Diplomacy
Multilateral Occasions
Community of Common Health
Continued WHO Support
Opposing Epidemic Politicization
【文章来源】:Contemporary International Relations. 2020,30(05)
【文章页数】:16 页
Crisis on Several Fronts
China Is Hit Hard
Aid to International Community
Promoting Unity
Head of State Leads Diplomacy
Anti-epidemic Diplomacy
Multilateral Occasions
Community of Common Health
Continued WHO Support
Opposing Epidemic Politicization