发布时间:2021-09-28 20:53
Over the past four decades, the Chinese people have always pursued development with an open door, and have accomplished a great transition from seclusion and semi-seclusion to all-round openness. China’s economic progress, understood in a global historical context, is unique.Facing the rise of foreign companies in China, Beijing balances market competition due to the diversification of economic actors and local protection of SOEs and strategically important industries. The CPC has developed powe...
【文章来源】:Contemporary International Relations. 2020,30(03)
【文章页数】:10 页
Two Perspectives
Early Years
Suggestions from China’s Experience for Africa
1.FDI is not the only answer.
2.The quality of the ruling party,not just leaders,matters.
3.Reforms are necessary for growth and for the ruling party as well.
[1]对外开放四十年:中国的模式与经验[J]. 杨丹辉. China Economist. 2018(04)
【文章来源】:Contemporary International Relations. 2020,30(03)
【文章页数】:10 页
Two Perspectives
Early Years
Suggestions from China’s Experience for Africa
1.FDI is not the only answer.
2.The quality of the ruling party,not just leaders,matters.
3.Reforms are necessary for growth and for the ruling party as well.
[1]对外开放四十年:中国的模式与经验[J]. 杨丹辉. China Economist. 2018(04)