- Acknowledgements4-5
- Abstract5-8
- Chapter One Introduction:8-41
- 1.1 Significance of Study8-12
- 1.2 Literature Review12-34
- 1.3 Research Design34-36
- 1.4 Theoretical Framework and Methodology36-41
- Chapter Two 6 Case Studies:41-76
- 2.1 Historical Background and Case Selection41-74
- 2.1.1 ASEAN and China Declaration on Conduct in the South China Sea47-50
- 2.1.2 China and Vietnam Clash Over Oil in 201150-52
- 2.1.3 2012 Failure of ASEAN's foreign ministers in Phnom Penh52-55
- 2.1.4 South China Sea UN Arbitration55-63
- 2.1.5 2014 Military Tensions Amongst China, Philippines, and Vietnam63-70
- 2.1.6 Maritime Silk Road70-74
- 2.3 Two Possible Directions For South China Sea Relations74-76
- Chapter 3 Discussion and Policy Section76-100
- 3.1 ASEAN Regional Forum Discussion76-79
- 3.2 Policy Section79-83
- 3.3 Discussion83-86
- 3.4 Peaceful Claimant States86-89
- 3.5 Vietnam and Philippine Domestic and International Relations89-96
- 3.6 Economic Cooperation with Claimant Countries96-100
- Chapter 4100-105
- 4.1 Conclusions and Recommendations100-105
- Appendix A105-106
- Bibliography106-115
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中国重要会议论文全文数据库 前6条
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1 傅蕊;中国和东盟的南海海事关系[D];浙江大学;2015年
2 UNN BOREY;[D];湖南大学;2013年
3 SOMBOUN SIHANTH(王明);[D];山东大学;2012年
4 KHIM SAMITT;[D];湖南大学;2013年
5 HEM PHANARITH;1979-1991柬埔寨—东盟关系:从冲突到合作[D];吉林大学;2008年
6 Parichaya Silarat(凯特);[D];山东大学;2014年
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8 李晓明;中国的崛起及对亚洲贸易流的影响[D];东北财经大学;2006年
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