本文选题:温州 切入点:耕读文化 出处:《浙江海洋学院》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:It is of certain research value and significance to analyze the characteristic meaning of Wenzhou regional culture by using ploughing and reading culture as the starting point, and the cultural and cultural scenic spots in Wenzhou are rich in resources. There is a strong cultural heritage and a long history of origin, and the national level is paying more and more attention to the protection and development of historical and cultural heritage. There are specific social and historical conditions for the emergence of the culture of ploughing and reading, and the emergence of the culture of ploughing and reading in Wenzhou. There is a special geographical environment. We can introduce, we Wenzhou ploughing and reading culture of human natural resources, is a model of harmony between man and nature, At the same time, it is also the combination of Wenzhou cultural concept and folk customs. From the angle of ecological folklore, this paper takes the ancient villages of Nanxi River in Wenzhou as an example to study the human settlements and environmental consciousness in the culture of farming and reading. To reveal the value of Wenzhou ploughing and reading culture, and to further put forward a more profound view, that is, how to protect and develop Wenzhou ploughing and reading culture. All those who love life and care about society at the same time, all those who cherish their lives and care about this society, I will certainly appreciate the landscape feelings in the culture of ploughing and reading, and will absorb nutrients from our cultural tradition in Wenzhou to build up a cultural environment that belongs to all mankind. On the strategic level of leading the development of productive forces by advanced culture, the municipal government should all abide by "strict protection, unified management, rational development, and sustainable utilization," and earnestly strengthen the protection, planning, construction and management of cultural and tourist attractions and scenic spots. To protect Wenzhou's cultural heritage.
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