本文选题:文化产业 切入点:甘南州 出处:《西北民族大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:文化产业被称为21世纪的朝阳产业。甘肃作为华夏文明的重要发源地,自古就是古丝绸之路的重要通道,中西方的文化交融使甘肃拥有丰富的文化资源。而甘肃省基于传承华夏文明,建设文化大省的发展战略,发展文化产业,对于弘扬中华民族优秀传统文化,推动甘肃乃至西北地区经济转型崛起,具有重大意义。 甘南州在国家和甘肃省大力发展文化产业的双重机遇下,在“文化撑州”战略的助推下,需要对现有文化资源进行梳理,制定相应发展战略扶植文化产业发展,利用自身独特的自然资源、宗教文化和民俗文化培育新的经济增长点,实现少数民族地区经济的跨越式发展,提高少数民族地区人民的收入水平。 本文在吸收了国内外文化产业研究成果的基础上,参考国外文化产业发展成功经验,以文化及相关产业分类为主线,分别对甘南州新闻出版与发行服务、广播电视电影服务、文化艺术服务、文化信息传输服务、文化休闲娱乐服务、工艺美术及文化用品生产等几大类文化产业的发展现状进行了研究,采用SWOT分析法对甘南州文化产业进行了优势、劣势、机遇、挑战的综合分析,结合华夏文明传承创新区规划对甘南文化产业进行定位,运用SWOT分析结果为甘南州文化产业的未来发展提供了资源战略带动型、人才技术突破性、保护宣传型三种战略选择,并针对甘南州文化产业各行业存在的不足提出了对策。
[Abstract]:The cultural industry is called the sunrise industry in 21th century. Gansu, as an important birthplace of Chinese civilization, has been an important passage of the ancient Silk Road since ancient times. The cultural blending between China and the West makes Gansu have rich cultural resources. Gansu Province, based on the inheritance of Chinese civilization, the construction of a cultural province's development strategy, and the development of cultural industries, are of great importance to the promotion of the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation. It is of great significance to promote the economic transformation and rise of Gansu and even the northwest region. Under the dual opportunities of the state and Gansu province to develop cultural industry vigorously, and with the help of the strategy of "supporting the state of culture", Gannan needs to comb the existing cultural resources and formulate corresponding development strategies to foster the development of cultural industry. Using their own unique natural resources, religious culture and folk culture to cultivate new economic growth points, to achieve the economic development of minority areas by leaps and bounds, and to improve the income level of the people in minority areas. On the basis of absorbing the research results of cultural industry at home and abroad and referring to the successful development experience of foreign cultural industry, this paper takes the classification of culture and related industries as the main line, respectively to the Gannan state press, publication and distribution services, radio, television and film services. The present situation of cultural industries, such as cultural and artistic services, cultural information transmission services, cultural leisure and entertainment services, arts and crafts and cultural supplies production, is studied. The advantages of Gannan cultural industry are obtained by SWOT analysis. The comprehensive analysis of the disadvantages, opportunities and challenges, combined with the planning of the Chinese civilization inheritance and innovation zone, positioning the Gannan cultural industry, using SWOT analysis results for the future development of the cultural industry in Gannan provides a resource strategy to take the lead. Talent and technology breakthrough, protection propaganda three kinds of strategic choice, and put forward countermeasures against the shortcomings of various industries in Gannan cultural industry.
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