本文选题:政治文化 切入点:文化台独 出处:《四川省社会科学院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Political culture is very important to guide people to identify themselves, to consolidate social consensus and to integrate national strength. Since the lifting of martial law in 1987, The democratization of Taiwan's politics and the competition of political parties are emerging day by day, and "cultural Taiwan independence" is promoted with the change of political situation. "Cultural Taiwan independence" is a gradual "de-Chinesization" in the process of political socialization. "Culture" since Li Denghui. "Taiwan independence" has a historical and cultural understanding of the people of Taiwan, National identity has had a negative impact, thus undermining stability and justice on the island and impeding the peaceful development of the two sides of the strait and the reunification of the motherland. Especially since Tsai Ing-wen came to power, she has spared no effort to promote "cultural Taiwan independence", which has aroused great concern. Political, economic, cultural, military and diplomatic aspects should be pursued simultaneously to curb cultural independence.
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