本文选题:SWOT分析法 切入点:新农村 出处:《山西农业大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:文化是一个国家和民族的血脉、灵魂、品格,积淀着一个民族最深层次的精神追求和行为准则。一个国家、一个地区的综合实力包含着文化软实力的支撑。文化建设一直是我国社会主义建设的重要内容,作为人民的共同价值追求,需要各层次各主体的共同努力构建。改革开放带来的是我国农村经济社会面貌翻天覆地的变化,农民生活水平有了显著提高,农民在“衣食足”之后盼望着“文化兴”。而就为什么要重视农村文化,农民究竟需要什么样的农村文化,怎么样建设社会主义新农村文化等方面仍需要不断的探索和研究。 山西省正处于快速推进城镇化建设的历史阶段和转型跨越发展的关键期,在近年的发展中更是确立了文化强省的发展路线,因此新农村文化建设成为当前必须面临和解决的重大问题。而我省要进行新农村文化建设就需要对自身农村文化现状有非常熟悉的了解和认知,SWOT分析法作为一种科学的分析工具,具有清晰、简明、具体的特征,运用该法能够详尽的从战略管理的角度考察我省的农村文化建设的优势、劣势、机会、威胁等状况,从而形成科学的系统,推动下一步工作的开展。 通过SWOT分析,科学认识到当前我省农村文化建设拥有深厚的传统文化底蕴、丰富的民俗文化资源、诸多精神的发扬广大以及文化传播载体增多等巨大优势;但也面临着城乡二元结构阻碍、农民自身素质不高、农民文化权益受损、文化市场发育不良等劣势;同时又有政府顶层设计的支撑、转型跨越的契机、农民文化需求的高涨、文化融合互动增强的难得机会;需要克服时有发生的文化冲突、农民主体地位的缺失、文化人才向外流失以及市场经济负面冲击的各种威胁。经过这四方面的深刻剖析,实事求是的探索出一条挖掘优势、消除劣势、抢抓机遇、规避威胁的农村文化科学发展策略,以求我省农村文化快速发展,农民综合生活水平阔步前进;以求建设成我省独具一方特色的新农村文化,推动我省农村文化的大繁荣。
[Abstract]:Culture is the blood, soul, character of a country and nation, which accumulates a nation's deepest spiritual pursuit and code of conduct. The comprehensive strength of a region contains the support of cultural soft power. Cultural construction has always been an important part of the socialist construction of our country, as the common value pursuit of the people. The reform and opening up has brought about a world-shaking change in the social and economic outlook of our country's rural areas, and the living standards of the peasants have been significantly improved. Farmers look forward to "cultural prosperity" after "food and clothing". But why should we attach importance to rural culture, what kind of rural culture farmers need, how to build a new socialist rural culture and other aspects still need to be constantly explored and studied. Shanxi Province is in the historical stage of rapid urbanization construction and the key period of transition and leapfrogging development. In recent years, it has also established the development line of a strong cultural province. Therefore, the construction of new rural culture has become a major problem that must be faced and solved at present. However, in order to carry out the construction of new rural culture in our province, it is necessary to have a very familiar understanding and cognition of the present situation of rural culture in our province as a kind of SWOT analysis. Scientific analytical tools, With clear, concise and concrete characteristics, the method can be used to investigate in detail the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and other conditions of the rural cultural construction in our province from the perspective of strategic management, so as to form a scientific system. To push forward the next step. Through the analysis of SWOT, it is scientifically recognized that the construction of rural culture in our province at present has profound traditional cultural background, rich folk cultural resources, the broad development of many spirits and the increase of cultural transmission carriers. However, it also faces the obstacles of dual structure between urban and rural areas, the low quality of farmers themselves, the impaired cultural rights and interests of farmers, the poor development of the cultural market, and the support of the top-level design of the government, the opportunity of transition and leapfrogging, and the upsurge of peasants' cultural needs. The rare opportunity to enhance the interaction of cultural integration; the need to overcome the frequent cultural conflicts, the lack of farmers' dominant position, the outflow of cultural talents and the negative impact of the market economy. Seeking truth from facts to explore a rural cultural and scientific development strategy which excavates the advantages, eliminates the inferiority, grabs the opportunity, avoids the threat, in order to achieve the rapid development of the rural culture in our province, and the farmers' comprehensive living standard advance by leaps and bounds; In order to build a new rural culture with unique characteristics in our province, promote the prosperity of rural culture in our province.
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