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发布时间:2018-05-02 12:12

  本文选题:蚕桑神话 + 先蚕礼 ; 参考:《西南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:蚕桑神话和先蚕礼是我国传统文化的重要载体。本研究通过对古代中国的蚕桑神话的和先蚕礼的梳理,整理出蚕桑神话的不同类型和各自的故事脉络以及先蚕礼的程序。通过分析蚕桑神话,提炼出其中所包含的民众的价值观念、生活态度等;通过分析先蚕礼的程序,探究它背后的深刻内涵。从蚕桑神话传播流变和先蚕礼各项要求中,剖析其所隐含的制度内容,并从传播学角度分析其在传统农耕社会所起到的组织传播功能。 本研究主要分为四个部分,基本内容如下: 第一部分为绪论。主要阐述本课题的研究缘起、研究现状、研究方法、理论基础、创新之处及拟要解决的关键问题。 第二部分主要对蚕桑神话进行分类。其中,蚕神话主要分为五类:马头娘、菀窳妇人和寓氏公主、嫘祖、青衣神和包括黄帝、三姑在内的其他蚕神;桑神话主要分为四类:扶桑、空桑、帝女桑和三桑。梳理出它们最早出现的时间和各自相关的故事脉络。 第三部分主要分析先蚕礼的内涵。对先蚕礼中的各项要求,包括使用的祭器、礼乐以及人员的站次方位和衣着情况进行解析。从礼仪制度的角度探讨它所包含的深刻意义,利用符号理论分析其在农耕社会一元传播格局下的组织构建功能。 第四部分对蚕桑神话的区域传播和历史化倾向进行分析。分别从王朝角色和传播主体的选择性机制入手,探讨蚕桑神话传播流变背后的动因。 第五部分主要是对蚕桑神话和先蚕礼的组织功能分析。通过分析蚕桑神话和先蚕礼所表达的社会内涵,探讨其在构建社会规则、传承文化、促进人类开化方面所起的作用。
[Abstract]:Sericulture myth and fore-silkworm ritual are important carriers of Chinese traditional culture. Through combing the ancient Chinese sericulture myth and the first silkworm ritual, the different types of sericulture myth, their story context and the procedure of sericulture ceremony were sorted out in this study. By analyzing the sericulture myth, the author abstracts the values and attitudes of the people involved in it, and probes into the profound connotation behind it by analyzing the procedure of the first silkworm ritual. From the perspective of sericulture myth communication and the requirements of sericulture ceremony, this paper analyzes its implied system content, and analyzes its organizational communication function in traditional farming society from the angle of communication. This research is mainly divided into four parts, the basic content is as follows: The first part is the introduction. This paper mainly describes the origin, present situation, research method, theoretical basis, innovation and key problems to be solved. The second part mainly classifies the myth of sericulture. Among them, the myth of silkworm is divided into five categories: Ma Tou Niang, Ivana woman and Princess Yu, Lei zu, Qingyi God and other silkworm gods, including Yellow Emperor and San Gu, while mulberry mythology is mainly divided into four categories: Fu mulberry, empty mulberry, emperor and female mulberry and three mulberry. Sort out the time when they first appeared and their respective story context. The third part mainly analyzes the connotation of the first silkworm ceremony. The requirements of the first silkworm ceremony, including the sacrificial utensils, rituals and music as well as the location and clothing of the personnel were analyzed. From the point of view of etiquette system, this paper discusses the profound significance of etiquette system, and analyzes its organizational construction function under the monolithic communication pattern of agricultural society by means of symbolic theory. The fourth part analyzes the regional spread and historical tendency of sericulture myth. Starting with the selective mechanism of the role of dynasty and the subject of communication, this paper probes into the reasons behind the evolution of sericulture. The fifth part mainly analyzes the organization function of sericulture myth and foresilkworm ritual. By analyzing the social connotation of sericulture mythology and presilkworm ritual, this paper discusses the role of sericulture in constructing social rules, inheriting culture and promoting human civilization.


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