本文选题:乡贤引领 + 村落文化 ; 参考:《甘肃社会科学》2017年06期
[Abstract]:The construction of modern village culture with the times is an important part of comprehensively promoting the construction of a new socialist countryside, the spirit and soul of condensing the strength of village governance and construction, and an endogenous measure to promote the development of villages. Village culture plays a leading role in the traditional governance of the Chinese rural elite. In the construction of village culture under the guidance of the village sages, it is usually shown that attention is paid to the excavation and selection of the village talents, the establishment of the village virtuous organizations and their functions, the dissemination of the mainstream values and the inheritance of the traditional culture. Pay attention to the effective play of the township in all aspects of the leading role and other important features. At present, in order to further promote the construction of village culture under the guidance of the village meritocracy, it is necessary to reshape the rural elite, to ensure the rural resources in the construction of village culture, to make clear the orientation of the village and to highlight the dominant position of the mainstream values in the construction of the village culture. Pay attention to the platform construction, build the village culture spread position with the village virtuous culture as the core.
【作者单位】: 绍兴文理学院马克思主义学院;
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