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发布时间:2018-06-18 13:25

  本文选题:敬畏自然 + 缘起性空 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the face of the increasingly severe ecological crisis, mankind is once again caught in the dilemma of survival and development. When the current ecological culture and science and technology are not fully adapted to the needs of the development of modern society, people begin to think and explore a new way of life, that is, the way of harmony between nature and human beings. However, in the original living environment of ecological philosophy thought in Tibetan traditional culture, rich enlightening empirical wisdom has been obtained, which has already contained the regular thought principle of solving the problem of understanding nature and exploring nature. The profound and extensive philosophical thought of Tibetan traditional culture is of great significance to the study of contemporary ecological philosophy, and has been gradually recognized, accepted and deeply studied at home and abroad. In the traditional Tibetan culture, the ecological philosophy thought has strong theoretical characteristics, such as "everything is alive", "reverence of nature", "homology of all things", and "origin of Xing Kong", "all living beings are the mother" of Tibetan Buddhism. The philosophical form of causality expresses the complete ecological rules. The thought of Tibetan national ecological philosophy with "three causes in one" as the core contains the unique ecological thinking angle. The origin theory, epistemology, ontology and methodology of the traditional Tibetan culture ecological philosophy thought will be explored one by one. In the process of Tibetan traditional cultural ecological philosophy from Xiangxiong civilization to Tibetan Buddhism, it sums up a large number of philosophical concepts. Compared with the western view of nature, the traditional Tibetan culture has its own unique ecological philosophy. In essence, there is the pursuit of spiritual freedom of the highest ideological characteristics. From the point of view of the sense of spiritual belonging and the serious lack of orientation, this paper analyzes and excavates the ecological philosophy thought in Tibetan traditional culture and combines the connotation of philosophy of scientific practice with it. In order to help us solve the current situation of frequent ecological crises, how to correctly look at natural phenomena, understand the laws of nature, use natural resources, explore ways to solve ecological difficulties and explore a possible combination of material and spiritual integrity. A thought of value orientation.


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