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发布时间:2018-06-18 14:02

  本文选题:旅游化 + 苗文化 ; 参考:《西南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:湘西土家族苗族自治州是湖南西部一个多民族聚居地,地处云贵高原东北侧与鄂西山地西南端的结合部,武陵山脉由东北向西南斜贯全境。历史上,因各种因素的综合制约,其经济发展滞后。在旅游业兴起的今天,湘西各族人民开发、利用地区丰富的旅游资源振兴经济、提高生活水平符合湘西实情和人类社会发展的需要。湘西州凤凰县是苗族聚居较为集中区域,苗文化资源丰富、审美内涵深厚,发展苗寨旅游成为当地人提高生活水平为数不多的手段之一,但可惜的是这些开发和运营尚处于独自摸索的状态,具有一定的盲目性和伪科学性。而文化是脆弱的,不合理地开发与操作使苗寨人民既没有取得旅游带来的效益又丢失了民族文化美的根性。发展旅游和保护当地优秀传统文化本质上并不矛盾,也不应该为保护文化而放弃旅游的开发。那么,如何既发展好旅游经济又保护好这些优秀的传统文化就显得十分迫切和重要。 说到底,苗文化出现这些审美嬗变的最根本原因是因为当地人在现代旅游和经济因素的影响下,对传统文化的审视出现了审美偏差。这里需要强调一点,并不是所有的苗族文化都是优秀的,里面也有“封建的”、“伪科学的”成份,但是一种文化能够在多变的社会里矗立几千年并在这个注重“审美”的年代受到越来越多人的青睐,就说明它里面存在有许多优秀的元素和符号。为收集这些优秀的元素和符号,笔者有计划地选取湘西凤凰县落潮井乡勾良苗寨、岩旯窠苗寨,千工坪乡香炉山苗寨、雷公寨,腊尔山镇大唐村、苏麻寨,山江镇中国凤凰山江博物馆、苗王府和风凰古城,主要通过田野、座谈、个别走访、问卷等形式进行实地调查。 通过调查结果和借阅相关资料,总的来说旅游对苗文化的影响是把双刃剑。一方面,旅游促进了民族文化的繁荣。为满足游客的需要,苗寨旅游从业者对地区文化不断发掘和提炼,对同类型文化不断借鉴和重构,对外来文化不断地学习、过滤和吸收,最后使得地区苗文化体系更加丰富;同时,有些因社会变化而濒临灭绝的文化,因旅游的需要也慢慢回归、恢复活力。另一方面,因旅游的冲击,苗寨人民的思想和行为方式发生了巨大的改变,抛却掉固有的审美价值观向“现代化”、“经济化”、“市场化”看齐,被抛却的元素里有些是糟粕,但有些是优秀的文化基因。这种风气的蔓延使得本民族许多的优秀文化传统正被不断的淡化、弱化甚至面临根系的丢失。在旅游的大背景下,苗族传统文化的审美嬗变主要呈四种趋势:第一,苗文化美的内涵和外在形式走向前台展现给观众,呈“表演化”趋势。第二,苗文化被不同程度的开发、设计、包装、销售,呈“产业化”趋势。第三,文化是以符号为基础的。这种文化符号被旅游不同层次的展示、升华,苗文化呈“符号化”趋势。第四,苗寨旅游化的过程中,旅游者主体是“城市人”,越来越多苗寨人民从各个方面向他们看齐,以“市民化”为美、以“城市人”为美,苗寨文化呈“城镇化”发展趋势。苗寨文化表演化、产业化、符号化、城镇化是苗寨旅游过程中苗族文化走向游客、走向市场以及自身发展的结果,总的说有一定的进步意义。但是在这个“四化”里存在有相当一部分不好的现象,这是一种美的失落现象。比如:苗文化表演中的“失真”现象、“后台”文化的“前台”化现象;产业化过程中资源浪费和流失现象;文化符号的“空洞化”、“空壳化”现象:城镇化过程中村民唯“GDP”为美、唯“市场化”为美、唯“现代化”为美等等一系列思想和行动上审美内涵偏差问题。这些问题对苗族文化旅游品牌的形成以及苗族传统文化的传承与发展来说都具有极其大的杀伤力。 解决这些问题的关键是要找回苗族文化美的根系并牢牢守护住。这个根就是苗族文化的优良传统,可以概括为“以人为上”的整体审美观;“饮水思源、尊师敬祖”的伦理审美观;“互帮互助、以和为美”的宗族审美观;“因地制宜、持续发展”的生态审美观;“崇尚自由、追求平等”的生活审美观。 在湘西,苗寨旅游化过程中存在的问题都是外在的显露,没有保护好苗文化的根系才是产生诸多问题的本源。把根扶正可以从这三点做起:第一,找准传统苗文化的根性美。第二:守住当代苗文化的形式美。第三:拓展当代苗文化的内在美。
[Abstract]:Xiangxi Tujia Miao Autonomous Prefecture is a multi - ethnic settlement in the west of Hunan Province . It is located on the northeast side of Yungui Plateau and the southwest end of the Western Hubei mountain . Its economic development is lagging behind by the comprehensive restriction of various factors . The culture is fragile , and the development and operation of Miao village is not contradictory nor should it give up the development of tourism . So how to develop the good tourism economy and protect these excellent traditional culture is very urgent and important .

In the end , the most basic reason of these aesthetic changes in the culture of Miao culture is that the local people have an aesthetic bias on the examination of the traditional culture under the influence of modern tourism and economic factors . It needs to be emphasized that there are many excellent elements and symbols in it . In order to collect these outstanding elements and symbols , the author has planned to select a few thousand years in Xiangxi Phoenix County , and to focus on " aesthetics " . In order to collect these outstanding elements and symbols , the author has planned to carry out the field investigation in the form of fields , discussions , individual visits and questionnaires .

On the one hand , tourism promotes the prosperity of national culture . In order to meet the needs of tourists , Miao village tourism practitioners continuously explore and refine regional culture , learn from the same type of culture , filter and absorb the culture , and finally make the regional culture system richer ;
On the other hand , because of the impact of tourism , the thought and behavior of Miao village people have changed greatly , but some are excellent cultural genes .
resource waste and loss during industrialization ;
The phenomenon of " hollowing " and " cavitation " of cultural symbols : the " GDP " of villagers in the process of urbanization is beauty , only " marketization " is the beauty , only " modernization " is a series of ideas and actions of aesthetic connotation deviation . These problems have great impact on the formation of Miao culture tourism brand and the inheritance and development of Miao traditional culture .

The key to solve these problems is to find the root system of Miao culture and guard it firmly . The root is the fine tradition of Miao culture , which can be summarized as " man - made " overall aesthetic appearance ;
The ethical aesthetics of " drinking water sources and respect for the ancestors " ;
" Mutual help and mutual assistance , with and for the beauty " of the clan ' s aesthetic appearance ;
Ecological aesthetics of " local conditions and sustainable development " ;
The life of " advocating freedom and pursuing equality " is aesthetic .

In Xiangxi , the problems existed in the tourism process of Miao village were revealed , and the root system of seedling culture was not protected . The roots of the traditional Miao culture could be changed from three points : First , to find the root beauty of the traditional Miao culture .


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