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发布时间:2018-06-19 16:36

  本文选题:英国 + 美国 ; 参考:《东南文化》2016年02期

[Abstract]:With the development of national standardization, the standardization of British and American cultural heritage protection has played an important role in promoting the protection of cultural heritage in our country. Britain attaches great importance to the basic terminology of cultural heritage conservation and the establishment of basic standards, such as investigation and recording of movable and non-movable cultural relics, as well as the establishment of technical standards for the preventive protection of cultural heritage. The United States implements open standard making policy, the standard system revision is carried out strictly according to certain procedure, encourages the public to participate widely, at the same time, the United States also according to its own national conditions reality, introduces some related international standards. At present, there are still some problems in the standardization of cultural relic protection in China, such as the improvement of standard quality, the lack of standard publicity, and the need for better exertion of standard function. This requires us to increase the effective supply of standards, firmly establish a sense of quality first, encourage the development of group and unit standards, and draw on international standards and other national standards.
【作者单位】: 中国文化遗产研究院;


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