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发布时间:2018-09-11 16:58
【摘要】:中华文明历经数千年岁月,其在各领域具有重要价值的精华流传至今。忠文化作为中华传统文化的重要组成部分,同样也在历史上占据了一席之地。虽然因社会制度的局限导致忠文化的涵义长期以来被限制于“忠君”一词上,但是忠文化作为一项优秀的思想道德文化从产生之初到当代,为中国的社会发展与进步做出的卓越贡献是不可磨灭的。将忠文化的发展过程进行梳理,提炼出忠文化的当代价值,并以之服务于社会主义核心价值观的培育,让传统忠文化的精义在当代社会重放光彩,是本文写作的最终目的。 通过对近十年来国内外忠文化研究状况与成果的整理与总结,本文对中国传统忠文化的起源与演化进行了梳理与归纳。忠文化起源于夏代,成熟于春秋战国时期。在忠文化发展早期,它主要包含“忠信”、“忠恕”、“忠爱”、“忠君”和“忠国”几大涵义,由于忠文化所蕴含的思想对于维护国家稳定和社会进步具有重要作用,使得忠文化在古代社会获得了崇高地位。随着时代发展,近代学者对于忠文化的再认识,将忠文化狭隘的“忠君”予以摒除,重提忠文化的本源涵义,这一时期的忠文化的涵义更加倾向于忠于人民、忠于国家。在当代社会,忠文化被赋予了符合时代会特征的涵义,作为优秀传统文化精髓的,传承与弘扬忠文化有助于民族国家的团结统一,有助于政治治理的清正廉明,有助于科技进步和经济建设,有助于道德提升和社会和谐。 对忠文化的起源、演化及其当代价值的研究,最终落在忠文化在当代中国社会的应用与弘扬上。通过正面倡导忠文化、积极培育忠文化和具体践行忠文化,使忠文化的当代价值在当代中国社会得以应用,既是培育社会主义核心价值观的助推力,亦是对建设优秀传统文化传承体系、弘扬中华优秀传统文化的践行。当代忠文化的重要涵义与“爱国、敬业、诚信、友善”的社会主义核心价值观存在许多相通之处,使忠文化的当代价值服务于社会主义核心价值观,是忠文化在当代中国社会弘扬的着力点。
[Abstract]:After thousands of years, the essence of Chinese civilization, which has important value in various fields, has been spread to this day. As an important part of Chinese traditional culture, loyalty culture also occupies a place in history. Because of the limitation of social system, the meaning of loyal culture has been limited to the word "loyal to the king" for a long time, but as an excellent ideological and moral culture, loyalty culture has been coming into being from the beginning to the present time. The outstanding contribution to China's social development and progress is indelible. The ultimate purpose of this paper is to sort out the development process of loyalty culture, to extract the contemporary value of loyalty culture, to serve the cultivation of socialist core values, and to make the essence of traditional loyalty culture shine brilliantly in contemporary society. In this paper, the origin and evolution of Chinese traditional loyalty culture are summarized and sorted out through the collation and summary of the research status and achievements of loyalty culture at home and abroad in the past ten years. The culture of loyalty originated in the Xia Dynasty and matured in the Spring and Autumn period and the warring States period. In the early stage of the development of loyalty culture, it mainly included "loyalty", "loyalty and forgiveness", "loyalty and love", "loyalty to the monarch" and "loyalty to the country", because the ideology contained in the loyalty culture played an important role in maintaining national stability and social progress. So that the culture of loyalty in the ancient society to gain a high status. With the development of the times, the modern scholars reunderstand the loyal culture, exclude the narrow loyal culture "loyal to the monarch", and raise the original meaning of the loyalty culture again. The meaning of the loyalty culture in this period is more inclined to be loyal to the people and the country. In contemporary society, loyalty culture is endowed with the meaning of the characteristics of the times. As the essence of excellent traditional culture, inheriting and carrying forward the loyalty culture is conducive to the unity and unity of the nation state, and to the integrity and integrity of political governance. It is conducive to scientific and technological progress and economic construction, to moral promotion and social harmony. The research on the origin, evolution and contemporary value of loyalty culture finally falls on the application and promotion of loyalty culture in contemporary Chinese society. Through advocating loyalty culture positively, cultivating loyalty culture and practicing loyalty culture actively, the contemporary value of loyalty culture can be applied in the contemporary Chinese society, which is the booster of cultivating socialist core values. It is also the practice of constructing excellent traditional culture inheritance system and carrying forward Chinese excellent traditional culture. The important meaning of contemporary loyalty culture has much in common with the socialist core values of patriotism, devotion, honesty and friendliness, which makes the contemporary values of loyalty culture serve the socialist core values. Is the loyalty culture in the contemporary Chinese society to carry forward the focus.


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