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发布时间:2018-09-12 13:29
[Abstract]:China and Japan are the two countries with the most important agricultural cultural heritage (GIAHS) in the world. A comparative analysis of the characteristics and conservation measures of the two countries' important agricultural cultural heritage can provide a reference for the protection of the agricultural cultural heritage of the related countries. This paper introduces the basic situation of the important agricultural cultural heritage in the world and the characteristics of the agricultural cultural heritage of China and Japan, and analyzes and compares the protection and management measures of the agricultural cultural heritage of the two countries from three aspects of international, central and local governments. The agricultural cultural heritage of China and Japan has some similarities in terms of heritage scale, level of economic development, development background and prospect, but there are some fundamental differences, and the conservation and management measures of the two countries are similar. Japan has done more detailed work on product development, tourism development and the concept of global important agricultural cultural heritage. Through analysis and comparison, the paper puts forward some suggestions for China to further improve the protection and management of important agricultural cultural heritage in the world.
【作者单位】: 农业部国际交流服务中心;


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