发布时间:2018-09-12 20:17
【摘要】:自1978年改革开放以来,我国经济保持年均8%-10%的增长率。2012年我国GDP总量超越日本,成为仅次于美国的第二大经济体。随着经济实力明显增强,我国逐渐在地区和国际事务中发挥重要影响力。以经济实力为代表的硬实力的快速发展为“中国崛起”奠定了坚实的物质基础,但是实现中华民族的伟大复兴依旧任重道远。纵览近代世界历史,各主要大国相继崛起的过程都伴随着本国文化软实力的提升。当今世界的主要大国无不重视本国文化,努力在全球范围内传播文化、推广价值观。经过我国学术界和领导层反复讨论和研究后达成共识,党中央以文件形式将增强文化软实力提升为国家战略。 基于孔子学院自身发展历程和我国“文化大繁荣大发展”的愿景,孔子学院将如何践行文化走出去战略,建设中外文化交流的窗口以及不断增强中华文化国际影响力,俨然成为孔子学院面临的重大任务。针对这一问题,文章进行深层次的探讨,以期为孔子学院进一步提升我国文化软实力提供有益的参考。本文先后运用历史文献法、比较研究法、统计归纳法、案例分析法等对孔子学院提升我国文化软实力作用进行研究。 文章共分为六章:第一章为导论部分,在明确研究背景和意义的基础上,提出本文的研究内容、研究方法、以及论文难点、创新和不足。第二章为本文的理论基础和文献综述部分。首先,回顾了文化软实力的理论演变过程,包括软实力的内涵、软实力核心之争、文化软实力的概念三部分。其次,在文化软实力范畴内较为全面梳理国内外关于孔子学院的研究文献。第三章对文化传播机构的现状进行分析。首先,从发展历程、全球布局以及设立模式和管理模式分类三方面着重介绍孔子学院概况。其次,依次介绍世界主要文化传播机构发展概况。最后,对文化传播机构进行比较分析。第四章主要研究孔子学院对文化软实力影响,共有两节。第一节进行维度性功能分析,分别从文化凝聚力、文化生产力、文化传播力、文化保障力、文化吸引力等五个维度论述孔子学院的文化软实力功能。第二节分别从语言推广和文化外交两方面论述孔子学院在文化软实力建设中的核心地位,为下文的实证检验提供依据。第五章是本文的实证部分。基于文化吸引力维度建立模型,选取来华旅游人数作为具体指标并引入孔子学院存量作为自变量研究孔子学院对来华旅游人数的影响。本文采用2003-2012年22个孔子学院主要分布国家的面板数据进行计量分析,并对回归结果进行解释。计量模型通过原假设,证明孔子学院能显著增加来华旅游人数,间接检验了孔子学院的文化软实力功能。第六章概括全文的主要结论,并总结出孔子学院提升文化软实力存在的问题。针对这些问题提出政策建议以促进孔子学院进一步提升我国文化软实力。 本文的研究难点:一,目前学术界对文化软实力的定义并不明确,还存在讨论。国内许多学者对于“软实力”和“文化软实力”的相关概念混淆,甚至将二者等价。所以在该领域还未能形成体系化的研究框架,可借鉴的成熟理论和模型较少。二,除孔子学院以外,其他主要文化传播机构的信息搜集过程存在语言壁垒。这些文化传播机构的信息披露(比如年度报告)主要以其推广的语言撰写,基本无中文版本。三,虽然软实力可以被描述,但难以展开逻辑分析,很难度量其轻重多寡。对于本文所研究的更为狭义的“文化软实力”也很难通过数值测量或逻辑推理得出精确答案。 本文的创新点主要体现在以下三个方面:一,虽然不少学者提及孔子学院的文化软实力功能,但研究主要集中在论述孔子学院是否是文化软实力。关于孔子学院提升我国文化软实力的作用研究较少,而且都未能进行深入分析。二,本文通过对相关文献进行梳理,较为清楚地表示从“软实力”到“文化软实力”的理论演变路径,厘清二者的关系,对本文要进行研究的对象“文化软实力”进行有效界定。基于文章的研究角度,第四章在文献综述的基础上尝试构建文化软实力的五个维度,并进行论证。三,目前学术界对孔子学院的研究中,主要是思辨研究。少数实证研究只是将孔子学院作为虚拟变量引入模型。通过对孔子学院近十年的数据进行整理,本文完成对“孔子学院存量”的统计,并尝试将该变量引入相关计量模型检验孔子学院对我国文化软实力的影响。 然而在克服研究难点和尝试创新的同时,本文还有不尽人意的地方。首先,数据收集不够全面,研究不够深入。其次,实证部分由于缺乏成熟的理论和模型进行借鉴,仅选取来华旅游人数作为衡量文化吸引力的指标过于片面。最后,由于“文化软实力”的涉及面较宽,相关定义也较为抽象,有的概念甚至存在争议。鉴于笔者的知识储备和理论功底有限,对其中的内涵把握不够,论文在研究深度和精细程度上仍有待进一步提高。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up in 1978, China's economy has maintained an average annual growth rate of 8% - 10%. In 2012, China's GDP surpassed Japan as the second largest economy after the United States. The rise of China has laid a solid material foundation, but there is still a long way to go to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Promotion of values. After repeated discussions and research by the academic circles and the leadership in China, a consensus has been reached that the Central Committee of the Party will enhance cultural soft power in the form of documents as a national strategy.
Based on the development of Confucius Institutes and the vision of "cultural prosperity and great development" in China, how Confucius Institutes will carry out the strategy of "going out of culture", build a window for cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries and continuously enhance the international influence of Chinese culture has become a major task confronted by Confucius Institutes. This paper studies the role of Confucius Institutes in promoting China's cultural soft power by means of historical documents, comparative study, statistical induction and case analysis.
The article is divided into six chapters: The first chapter is the introduction part. On the basis of defining the research background and significance, the paper puts forward the research contents, research methods, difficulties, innovations and shortcomings. The second chapter is the theoretical basis and literature review part of this paper. First, it reviews the theoretical evolution process of cultural soft power, including the internal soft power. The third chapter analyzes the current situation of cultural communication institutions. First, it introduces the development process, the global layout, the establishment model and the classification of management model. The fourth chapter mainly studies the influence of Confucius Institutes on cultural soft power. There are two sections. The first section carries on the dimensionality function analysis, respectively from the cultural cohesion, cultural productivity, cultural dissemination, cultural dissemination. The second section discusses the core position of Confucius Institutes in the construction of cultural soft power from the perspectives of language promotion and cultural diplomacy, providing the basis for the following empirical test. The fifth chapter is the empirical part of this paper. This paper uses panel data from 22 Confucius Institutes from 2003 to 2012 to analyze the impact of Confucius Institutes on the number of tourists to China, and explains the regression results. It proves that Confucius Institutes can significantly increase the number of tourists to China, and indirectly tests the cultural soft power function of Confucius Institutes. Chapter 6 summarizes the main conclusions of the full text, and summarizes the problems of Confucius Institutes in promoting cultural soft power.
The difficulties of this paper are as follows: 1. The definition of cultural soft power is not clear and there are still discussions in academic circles. Many scholars in China have confused the concepts of "soft power" and "cultural soft power" and even made them equivalent. Less. 2. There are language barriers to information gathering in other major cultural communication institutions except Confucius Institutes. The information disclosure of these institutions (such as the annual report) is mainly written in the language they promote. There are basically no Chinese versions. 3. Although the soft power can be described, it is difficult to carry out logical analysis, and it is difficult to measure its lightness. For the more narrow sense of "cultural soft power" studied in this paper, it is also difficult to obtain accurate answers by numerical measurement or logical reasoning.
The innovation of this paper is mainly reflected in the following three aspects: 1. Although many scholars mentioned the function of Confucius Institute's cultural soft power, the research mainly focused on discussing whether Confucius Institute is a cultural soft power. By sorting out the relevant literature, this paper clearly shows the theoretical evolution path from "soft power" to "cultural soft power", clarifies the relationship between them, and effectively defines the object of this study, "cultural soft power". Five dimensions of Confucius Institutes'strength are demonstrated. Thirdly, the current academic research on Confucius Institutes is mainly speculative research. A few empirical studies only introduce Confucius Institutes as a virtual variable into the model. The related econometric model is introduced to test the impact of Confucius institutes on China's cultural soft power.
However, while overcoming the research difficulties and trying to innovate, there are still some unsatisfactory points in this paper. First, the data collection is not comprehensive enough, and the research is not deep enough. Second, the empirical part is due to the lack of mature theory and model for reference, only the number of tourists to China as a measure of cultural attractiveness is too one-sided. The definition of "cultural soft power" is abstract, and some of the concepts are controversial. In view of the limited knowledge reserves and theoretical foundation of the author, the connotation of "cultural soft power" is insufficient to grasp, so the depth and precision of the research is still to be further improved.
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up in 1978, China's economy has maintained an average annual growth rate of 8% - 10%. In 2012, China's GDP surpassed Japan as the second largest economy after the United States. The rise of China has laid a solid material foundation, but there is still a long way to go to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Promotion of values. After repeated discussions and research by the academic circles and the leadership in China, a consensus has been reached that the Central Committee of the Party will enhance cultural soft power in the form of documents as a national strategy.
Based on the development of Confucius Institutes and the vision of "cultural prosperity and great development" in China, how Confucius Institutes will carry out the strategy of "going out of culture", build a window for cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries and continuously enhance the international influence of Chinese culture has become a major task confronted by Confucius Institutes. This paper studies the role of Confucius Institutes in promoting China's cultural soft power by means of historical documents, comparative study, statistical induction and case analysis.
The article is divided into six chapters: The first chapter is the introduction part. On the basis of defining the research background and significance, the paper puts forward the research contents, research methods, difficulties, innovations and shortcomings. The second chapter is the theoretical basis and literature review part of this paper. First, it reviews the theoretical evolution process of cultural soft power, including the internal soft power. The third chapter analyzes the current situation of cultural communication institutions. First, it introduces the development process, the global layout, the establishment model and the classification of management model. The fourth chapter mainly studies the influence of Confucius Institutes on cultural soft power. There are two sections. The first section carries on the dimensionality function analysis, respectively from the cultural cohesion, cultural productivity, cultural dissemination, cultural dissemination. The second section discusses the core position of Confucius Institutes in the construction of cultural soft power from the perspectives of language promotion and cultural diplomacy, providing the basis for the following empirical test. The fifth chapter is the empirical part of this paper. This paper uses panel data from 22 Confucius Institutes from 2003 to 2012 to analyze the impact of Confucius Institutes on the number of tourists to China, and explains the regression results. It proves that Confucius Institutes can significantly increase the number of tourists to China, and indirectly tests the cultural soft power function of Confucius Institutes. Chapter 6 summarizes the main conclusions of the full text, and summarizes the problems of Confucius Institutes in promoting cultural soft power.
The difficulties of this paper are as follows: 1. The definition of cultural soft power is not clear and there are still discussions in academic circles. Many scholars in China have confused the concepts of "soft power" and "cultural soft power" and even made them equivalent. Less. 2. There are language barriers to information gathering in other major cultural communication institutions except Confucius Institutes. The information disclosure of these institutions (such as the annual report) is mainly written in the language they promote. There are basically no Chinese versions. 3. Although the soft power can be described, it is difficult to carry out logical analysis, and it is difficult to measure its lightness. For the more narrow sense of "cultural soft power" studied in this paper, it is also difficult to obtain accurate answers by numerical measurement or logical reasoning.
The innovation of this paper is mainly reflected in the following three aspects: 1. Although many scholars mentioned the function of Confucius Institute's cultural soft power, the research mainly focused on discussing whether Confucius Institute is a cultural soft power. By sorting out the relevant literature, this paper clearly shows the theoretical evolution path from "soft power" to "cultural soft power", clarifies the relationship between them, and effectively defines the object of this study, "cultural soft power". Five dimensions of Confucius Institutes'strength are demonstrated. Thirdly, the current academic research on Confucius Institutes is mainly speculative research. A few empirical studies only introduce Confucius Institutes as a virtual variable into the model. The related econometric model is introduced to test the impact of Confucius institutes on China's cultural soft power.
However, while overcoming the research difficulties and trying to innovate, there are still some unsatisfactory points in this paper. First, the data collection is not comprehensive enough, and the research is not deep enough. Second, the empirical part is due to the lack of mature theory and model for reference, only the number of tourists to China as a measure of cultural attractiveness is too one-sided. The definition of "cultural soft power" is abstract, and some of the concepts are controversial. In view of the limited knowledge reserves and theoretical foundation of the author, the connotation of "cultural soft power" is insufficient to grasp, so the depth and precision of the research is still to be further improved.
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