[Abstract]:Under the background of "Belt and Road", the development and utilization of cultural resources is an effective means for the economic and social development of minority areas, and the minority cultural resources are abundant in Pengshui and Miao Tujia Autonomous County in Chongqing. It is of typical significance to study the sustainable development of minority cultural resources in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. In the process of cultural resource development in Pengshui County of Chongqing, there are some difficulties, such as weak market main body, difficulty in product development, incomplete application of resources, weak product attraction, insufficient experience, etc., which need to be combined with its own characteristics. We should constantly improve the cultivation mode of competitiveness, construct a balanced development model, innovate the integrated propaganda mode, and at the same time, insist on developing the types of cultural products, strengthen the construction of human resources, enrich the activities of saving things, and so on, and comprehensively strengthen the transformation of national cultural resources. To promote the steady development of the national cultural industry.
【作者单位】: 重庆财经职业学院商贸旅游系;西南民族大学西南民族研究院;
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