[Abstract]:With the development of the times, the construction of public cultural service in Lhasa is faced with new opportunities and challenges. Public cultural service is a kind of public service which is provided by the government or relevant public departments and which is non-profit and meets the basic cultural needs of the public. It has the characteristics of political fairness commonweal diversity and basic guarantee. This article takes the public cultural service of Lhasa as the research object, probes into the construction of the public cultural service of Lhasa from two aspects of the infrastructure construction and the service level of the public cultural service. Through the method of interview, observation and questionnaire, this paper studies the supporting facilities of some public cultural venues and their public cultural services in Lhasa. This paper investigates deeply the great achievements in the construction of public cultural services in Lhasa as well as the problems and challenges faced at the present stage, and puts forward some suggestions. The study found that by the end of 2014, Lhasa had established a public cultural service system for cities, counties (districts), townships (streets) and villages (communities). Lhasa has completed a public cultural facility covering urban and rural areas, which has taken a key step in public cultural services. It is found that the public cultural service in Lhasa has the characteristics of standardization, no difference in supply, low awareness rate of public cultural facilities, low utilization rate of public cultural facilities, and single funding channel for public cultural construction. Cultural talents are easy to drain, lack of diversification, multi-level public cultural services, inadequate development of national cultural resources, failure of the efforts of public cultural service departments to be recognized by the masses, and problems such as the dispersion of public cultural services resources, resulting in waste of resources, and so on. Need to adjust the development of thinking, looking for new focus of work. In the new stage of work, the focus should be shifted to improving the level of service. The research suggests that we should deeply understand the cultural needs of the people, design various forms of public cultural activities, and provide cultural services to the needs of the masses. To cultivate the habit of public cultural activities, to develop excellent traditional cultural resources, to increase the publicity of public cultural activities, to integrate cultural resources, and to achieve the purpose of improving public cultural services. It is suggested to explore the development mode of Internet public cultural service construction, which can effectively solve the above problems. In the long run, the government should actively introduce social and market forces, open up channels for the construction of public cultural services, and transform government functions. The purpose of the public cultural service is to "turn into the world", advocate the civilized and healthy way of life, cultivate the cultural consciousness and the public spirit of the people, and help the government to realize the goal of governance smoothly. Public cultural service is not a monologue of the government, and public cultural service facilities are not delicate vases, so public cultural service should flourish and develop in multi-party cooperation.
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