[Abstract]:The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival custom is not the so-called memorial to qu Yuan, the water teacher who imitated Goujian, said, "to commemorate Wu Zixu or Cao E, Wu Yue nation worshiped the dragon totem, the ancient Yue people said the New year, and so on, but to ward off evil spirits." The theory of dispelling evil is directly derived from the myth of death and the psychology of reproductive worship at home and abroad, but the deepest reason is the transformation of nature's Yin and Yang timing in May, which constitutes the natural background of the birth of the myth of death. The Summer Solstice is regarded by the people as the "evil moon", "poison moon" and "dead moon". Around this month, many folklore phenomena have been produced to ward off evil spirits and avoid death. After evolution, they have gradually concentrated more and more on the Dragon Boat Festival on May 5, the Dragon Boat Festival. All kinds of traditional activities of Dragon Boat Festival using animal plants reflect the theme of reproductive worship. Although the commemoration of qu Yuan is not the origin of folklore and Dragon Boat Festival custom on May 5, because qu Yuan's patriotic image is in accord with the people's heart, coupled with the emphasis placed on qu Yuan by the officials and the people of all dynasties, the commemoration of qu Yuan has gradually become the most important part of the customs of the Dragon Boat Festival. It has a dual theme of both repellency and remembrance, and has been paid more and more attention to, even ignoring the main source of this section of vulgarity.
【作者单位】: 华中师范大学历史文化学院;湖北幼儿师范高等专科学校;
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