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发布时间:2018-12-12 17:58
[Abstract]:The function value of public culture space in the development of public cultural service system is becoming more and more prominent. The community public cultural space is the important space foundation of the community residents' cultural participation and economic life. It is the field and the space environment of the cultural participants' behavior expression, and has an important influence on the result of the cultural participation. Based on the survey data of 46 communities in 17 provinces across the country, the living conditions, the cost of cultural participation, the atmosphere of cultural participation, The five factors that influence the cultural participation of residents, such as the construction of cultural stadiums, the way of cultural service supply and the quality of cultural services, are cross-analyzed with different groups of people, and the basic needs of cultural space are expounded. As well as the three characteristics of urban community public cultural space, that is, agglomeration, hierarchy and volatility, and summed up the lack of participants, low utilization of resources, The lack of theory and the unsound guarantee mechanism are the important reasons leading to the low level of community residents' cultural participation, and then from the physical field construction, The basic framework of the construction of public cultural space in urban community is put forward from the three aspects of cultural activities and service construction and participants. The basic models of the construction of public space in urban community are as follows: integration of facilities, cultural auditorium. Virtual space type and ecological community type.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学国家文化发展研究院;


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