[Abstract]:This paper focuses on the introduction of the concept of "folklore heritage" in the framework of French folklore and government management. As an academic concept, it emerged from the historical background of the great transformation of French folklore and anthropology after World War II. It became a concept of social action that influenced government work and public policy. In 1980, the Department of Heritage of the French Ministry of Culture established a representative office for folklore to protect and inherit all movable and immovable folklore. In 2003, After France joined the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, the Ministry of Culture and Exchange carried out an internal reorganization, and the representative office of folklore heritage was renamed the representative office of folklore, and worked with other functional departments to carry out the work related to the intangible cultural heritage. In this work, it occupies the core position, undertakes the promotion and concrete implementation of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention, and also subsidizes a large number of academic projects in French folklore. Through the practice of this concept, French folklore has become a force which can not be ignored in the field of public policy and social governance.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学中国社会管理研究院/社会学院;
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