[Abstract]:The opening of the door of the Opium War caused the western culture to pour into China as a tide. The sense of cultural superiority was shocked after the shelling of the war, and the Chinese traditional cultural discourse was gradually disintegrated under the great impact of the western discourse. Has entered an era of dramatic change in discourse. The emergence of new discourse changes is directly due to the strong invasion of discourse in western capitalist countries. However, the track and tendency of cultural development in Qing Dynasty also provide the internal basis and subjective demand for the transformation and freshness of Chinese discourse. Although the culture of the early Qing Dynasty adopted a high-pressure and clamped-down discourse policy-discourse autocracy and discourse xenophobia. However, the later thought of "applying the world to the world" broke the dictatorial discourse situation, provided the ideological preparation for the modernization of Chinese culture, and brought new vitality to the later discourse change. After the Opium War, the western discourse system, which was gradually promoted by technical rational discourse, political system discourse, and value consciousness discourse, was introduced into China in an all-round way, which deepened the course of discourse evolution in modern China. By virtue of its profound theoretical resources, Marxist discourse has gradually developed into a strong unitary discourse system through the controversy with other non-Marxist discourse. Due to the inertia of the revolutionary discourse of Marxism in wartime, this monadic discourse system is characterized by two aspects: one is the revolutionary theory of discourse, the other is collectivism on the level of mass discourse. These two kinds of discourse characteristics provide the political discourse leading and the mass discourse values for the Marxist discourse in the early stage of the reform and opening up, and to a certain extent, strengthen the subjective position of the Marxist unitary discourse system. However, with the advent of reform and opening-up and globalization, the evolution of discourse system has been pushed forward again. Under the profound social transformation and change, the unitary discourse system is gradually minisculating. The liberal discourse on the theoretical discourse level, the popularity of the "New left" discourse and the nationalist discourse, as well as the rise of popular cultural discourse at the mass discourse level, to a certain extent, have impacted the dominant position of the Marxist discourse system. Multiculturalism rose again. The globalization of the economy and the multi-polarization of politics have not only provided a broad platform for the exchange of values among all kinds of ideological trends and cultures in the world. The more advanced cultural soft power of western discourse in the field of Chinese culture occupies the absolute advantage provides an opportunity. However, Chinese discourse has always crept under the shroud of western discourse and lacks the right to speak with cultural soft power. Especially in this time when more attention is paid to cultural soft power, only by having strong cultural soft power can a country win an active position in the national discourse right dispute and have its own speaking power in the international field. In the era of cultural globalization, if China wants to gain the dominant power of discourse under the strong discourse hegemony of western countries, it must reshape the discourse system with Chinese charm in the theoretical threshold of contemporary Chinese Marxism. Develop unique cultural soft power with Chinese characteristics. This requires us to explore the contradictions and conflicts in Chinese discourse since modern times, to clarify the current trend of discourse system, to provide historical basis and resources for the construction of future discourse, so as to promote the soft power of Chinese culture better. Master the right to speak.
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