[Abstract]:This paper chooses the most representative definition of globalization by the western globalization theorists, and analyzes the essential characteristics, logical starting point, movement process and dynamic transformation of globalization along the two dimensions of the world market and the infinite expansion of the world dissemination. It is pointed out that globalization, characterized by the westernization, has come to an end, and the world has entered the post-globalization era. Globalization with the core of advancing western modernity has come to an end, and the world will enter an era of global cooperation in which the development needs of emerging market countries are the endogenous driving force. Globalization continues the "Cold War mentality." in this new "post-globalization era," compared with the Cold War and the globalization era, the antagonism of ideology may be weakened. It provides a wider space for the multi-subject communication and communication of multiculturalism. In the era of globalization, the challenge of breaking through "American / European centralism" in the field of international cultural communication may no longer appear as a "challenge", a new, truly pluralistic culture. The discourse system of multi-subject communication and communication is likely to become the mainstream discourse. Although populism is on the rise all over the world, it will not affect the formation of cultural pluralism and openness in the world. The international communication of Chinese culture has a wider space in the post-globalization era.
【作者单位】: 中国传媒大学文法学部;
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