
发布时间:2018-01-12 15:04

  本文关键词:建国初期皖北地区农业“三改”研究(1953-1957) 出处:《安徽大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 农业 “三改” 改革 皖北

【摘要】:农业“三改”是在治理淮河、兴修水利的基础上提出的,是旨在恢复战后生产、减轻水旱灾害、提高人民生活水平的一次深入的改革。它的意义在于为安徽特别是皖北地区的群众改良了农作物品种,帮助他们纠正生产中存在的陋习和错误的观念,改变了传统的农业布局和耕作习惯。 本文将视角聚集到皖北地区,从背景、过程以及改革的影响几个方面了解皖北地区的农业“三改”。具体来说,在背景方面,首先对“三改’前皖北地区春耕和夏种生产进行叙述,对战后皖北农业生产情况有一个初步的了解,同时指出存在的问题和不足。之后从自然和地形条件以及群众的生产习惯出发,分析皖北地区出现旱涝灾害的原因,从而突出皖北地区实行农业“三改”的必要性和可能性。从灾害原因分析入手,直接突出农业“三改”是一项从当地实际出发、主客观相结合的农业改革,它的每一项内容都是从客观条件出发,是对现实情况进行充分调查和分析之后得出的结果。 在改革的过程部分,主要涉及两个方面的内容,其一,是农业“三改”在皖北地区各专区、专县实施的研究分析。通过当时的档案资料,可以总结出“三改”工作组实施改革活动的一般规律,即先是进行情况调查,对当地的自然条件、灾害发生率、群众的生产习惯以及干部群众对农业“三改”的接受情况进行了解,分析原因,找出存在的问题;第二步就是针对存在的问题,落实各项措施,正式推广农业“三改”。其二,就是以皖北地区农业“三改”中水稻改良为特例,详细叙述皖北地区水稻改良的实施成效,不仅从宏观的角度去了解1954年至1957年皖北地区水稻改良的总体情况,还细化到各个区、县甚至是合作组,总结他们的经验与成果,此外,还将水稻改良中的优良品种进行罗列,列举它们的特性与优点。农业“三改”的顺利推广,离不开群众的支持,需要充分发挥他们的主观能动性。而在农业“三改”的具体实施过程中,群众的思想问题一直困扰着工作组,是限制改革深入的主要问题之一。处于传统农业中农民,对待农业“三改”这样的新事物,本能地产生不信任感,害怕在改种的过程中会“得不偿失”。本文将对群众存在这种思想顾虑的原因进行分析。本文的最后一个部分,就是对农业“三改”进行评述,从成效与不足两个方面进行分析阐 总体说来,“三改”是一场具备科学性的绿色革命,通过细致、周密的调查,将皖北地区的自然条件同群众的生产经验联系在一起,做到了主客观相结合,并最终找出了农业生产中保收避灾的方法。也正因为“三改”本身符合安徽的实际情况,使得它对此后安徽地区的农业发展起到了重要的作用。
[Abstract]:The "three reforms" in agriculture were put forward on the basis of harnessing the Huaihe River and building water conservancy, and were aimed at restoring postwar production and alleviating the flood and drought disasters. An in-depth reform to improve the living standards of the people. Its significance lies in the improvement of crop varieties for the masses in Anhui, especially in the northern part of Anhui, and in helping them correct the bad habits and erroneous concepts existing in production. Changed the traditional agricultural layout and farming habits. This article gathers the angle of view to the north Anhui area, from the background, the process as well as the reform influence several aspects understanding Anhui north area agriculture "three reforms". Specifically, in the background aspect. First of all, the paper narrates spring ploughing and summer seed production in northern Anhui before the "three Reformation", and has a preliminary understanding of the agricultural production in northern Anhui after the war. At the same time, this paper points out the existing problems and shortcomings, and then analyzes the causes of drought and flood disaster in northern Anhui from the natural and topographic conditions as well as the production habits of the masses. Therefore, the necessity and possibility of carrying out "three reforms" in agriculture in northern Anhui are highlighted. From the analysis of the causes of disasters, it is a combination of subjective and objective agricultural reform to directly highlight the "three reforms" of agriculture from the local reality. Each of its contents is based on objective conditions and is the result of full investigation and analysis of reality. In the process of reform, it mainly involves two aspects. One is the research and analysis of agricultural "three reforms" in each district and county of northern Anhui. It can be concluded that the "three reforms" working group to implement the general law of reform activities, that is, first carried out a situation survey, local natural conditions, the incidence of disasters. The production habits of the masses and the acceptance of the "three reforms" in agriculture by the cadres and the masses are understood, the reasons are analyzed, and the existing problems are found out. The second step is to solve the existing problems, to implement various measures to formally promote the "three reforms" of agriculture. The second step is to take the "three reforms" of agriculture in northern Anhui as a special case. The effect of rice improvement in northern Anhui was described in detail, not only from the macro perspective to understand the overall situation of rice improvement in northern Anhui from 1954 to 1957, but also to refine it to various districts, counties and even cooperative groups. Summing up their experience and achievements, in addition, the fine varieties in rice improvement are listed, their characteristics and advantages are listed, and the smooth popularization of the "three reforms" of agriculture cannot be separated from the support of the masses. We need to give full play to their subjective initiative, and in the process of implementing the "three reforms" in agriculture, the ideological problems of the masses have been puzzling the working group all the time. It is one of the main problems to limit the deepening of reform. In the traditional agriculture, peasants treat the new things such as "three reforms" in agriculture, and instinctively produce a sense of distrust. This article will analyze the reason why the masses have this kind of ideological concern. The last part of this paper is to comment on the "three reforms" of agriculture. Analysis and Analysis from two aspects of effectiveness and insufficiency Generally speaking, the "three Reformation" is a scientific green revolution. Through careful and thorough investigation, the natural conditions in northern Anhui are linked with the production experience of the masses, and the subjective and objective combination is achieved. And finally found out the method of protecting collection and avoiding disasters in agricultural production. It is also because the "three reforms" itself accords with the actual situation in Anhui Province, which makes it play an important role in the agricultural development of Anhui region since then.


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