本文关键词: 民报 西学 改良舆论 革命理论 出处:《安徽大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:学界关于《民报》的研究成果颇丰,但也有所欠缺。研究者大多关注的是,《民报》对孙中山三民主义思想的阐发,《民报》对亚洲各国民族革命运动的宣传和支持,以及《民报》与《新民丛报》的大论战。学界对辛亥革命前,《民报》以西学思想为武器来批判改良舆论,宣传革命理论,论证革命合法性的研究还有一定的欠缺。本文共分三章,旨在这方面进行相关探讨。 第一章从报刊与舆论动员的角度出发,阐述辛亥革命前《民报》与近代政治舆论的形成及传播的过程。19世纪末20世纪初,革命面临着非常严峻的形势。人们头脑里的革命意识还非常单薄,支持清政府改革,盼望清末新政,憧憬维新立宪的思想和舆论还占据着主导的地位。中国同盟会成立之后,其机关报《民报》清晰地表达出了革命派传播革命理论,打破改良、立宪思想在舆论界拥有的统治地位的愿望。 第二章从《民报》对西学的传播角度出发,论述了《民报》对西方进化论思想,宗教思想,无政府思想等资产阶级政治学说的剖析。西学东传,由来已久。到19世纪末,西学在中国的传播出现了新的局面,资产阶级的社会进化,天赋人权、自由平等学说纷纷传入中国。革命派试图以此为武器,制造革命合法性舆论,达到以学理支撑政理的目的。 第三章从《民报》以西学理念为支撑的政治舆论动员的角度出发,论证了《民报》宣传对革命合法性舆论的建构的推动作用。革命派深知,能否对改良舆论进行有效的批判,能都对革命理论进行普遍的传播,是革命合法性舆论能否形成的关键。针对改良派的一系列攻击言论,革命派针锋相对,具体阐述了推翻满清政府、建立资产阶级共和政体、发动社会革命的必要性与合理性。结果,革命的理论完全战胜了改良的理论,革命自然也就名正言顺。 《民报》革命派在辛亥革命前宣传革命思想,传播革命理论最有力的武器。《民报》创办后,广泛宣传了革命反满舆论,有效批判了保皇立宪舆论,充分论证了革命合法性舆论,使得革命的思想和理论被逐渐被普通的民众所接受。《民报》的宣传,为即将到来的辛亥革命做好了思想上和舆论上的准备。
[Abstract]:The academic circles have done a lot of research on "the people's Daily", but there are also some deficiencies. Most researchers are concerned about the elucidation of Sun Zhongshan's three people's principles, and the propaganda and support of the "people's Daily" for the national revolutionary movements of Asian countries. And the great controversy between the "people's Daily" and the "New people's Cong newspaper". Before the Revolution of 1911, scholars criticized and improved public opinion and propagated revolutionary theories with the idea of western learning as a weapon. The research on the legitimacy of revolution is still deficient. This paper is divided into three chapters in order to discuss this aspect. The first chapter, from the angle of press and public opinion mobilization, expounds the forming and spreading process of "the people's Daily" and modern political public opinion before the Revolution of 1911. At the end of the 19th century, the beginning of 20th century, The revolution is facing a very serious situation. The revolutionary consciousness in people's minds is still very thin. They support the reform of the Qing government, look forward to the new policies of the late Qing Dynasty, and look forward to the thought and public opinion on the reform of the new constitution. After the founding of the Chinese Alliance, Its official newspaper, the people's newspaper, clearly expresses the desire of revolutionaries to spread revolutionary theory, break the reform and constitutionalism in the public opinion. The second chapter analyzes the bourgeois political theories such as Western Evolutionism, religious thought, anarchism and so on from the perspective of the dissemination of Western learning by the "people's Daily". The spread of western learning to the east has a long history. By the end of 19th century, A new situation has emerged in the spread of western learning in China. The social evolution of the bourgeoisie, the doctrine of natural rights and equality, and the theory of freedom and equality have been introduced into China. The revolutionaries tried to use this as a weapon to create revolutionary legitimacy public opinion. To achieve the goal of supporting politics with theory. The third chapter, from the point of view of the mobilization of political public opinion supported by the idea of western learning, demonstrates the role of the propaganda of the newspaper in promoting the construction of the legitimate public opinion of the revolution. The revolutionaries are well aware of whether they can effectively criticize the improved public opinion. In the light of a series of attacks by the reformists, the revolutionaries opposed each other and elaborated in detail the overthrow of the Manchu government and the establishment of a bourgeois republic. The necessity and rationality of initiating social revolution. As a result, the theory of revolution overcame the theory of improvement, and the revolution was naturally justified. The "people's Daily" revolutionaries propagated revolutionary ideas before the Revolution of 1911 and spread the most powerful weapon of revolutionary theory. After the founding of the newspaper, the revolutionary anti-Manchuria public opinion was widely publicized, the public opinion on protecting the emperor's constitution was effectively criticized, and revolutionary legitimacy was fully demonstrated. The ideas and theories of the revolution were gradually accepted by the ordinary people. The propaganda of the newspaper prepared for the coming Revolution of 1911 in ideology and public opinion.
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