本文选题:苏联 切入点:中东路 出处:《湖南师范大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The Middle East Road incident broke out on May 28th 1929 when Zhang Xueliang ordered a search of the Soviet Consulate in Harbin. The signing of the Treaty of Sino Suberly meeting on December 22nd 1929 was the first major diplomatic event encountered by the Nanjing National Government after the reunification of China, which greatly affected the development of Sino-Soviet relations. This paper aims to explain the changes in the knowledge community's understanding of Soviet Russia through the analysis of the views of the intellectuals on Soviet Russia before and after the Middle East Road incident. Then it studies the influence of the intellectuals on the Middle East Road incident and the Soviet Russian view of the intellectuals. During the Middle East Road incident, all the major newspapers and periodicals throughout the country reported on the incident in a more comprehensive way, with both analytical and critical articles. There is also an introduction to the Soviet Union translated from overseas. At different stages of the Middle East Road incident, the intellectuals have different degrees of attention to the incident and different angles of concern. They think about various issues. The position and depth of the intellectuals' understanding of the issue of the Middle East Road at that time were well reflected. Before the Middle East Road War, Mainly the views of the intellectuals on the search of the Soviet consulate in Harbin by the Northeast authorities. This incident was the first serious conflict between the Northeast authorities and the Soviet Union since the Northeast changed its identity, although it did not directly trigger the war. In fact, however, it can be seen as a prelude to the outbreak of a larger conflict between China and the Soviet Union in the future, which has an extremely important reference significance. The characteristics of public opinion in this period are that the anti-deficit tendency is relatively serious. The major newspapers and periodicals all showed a certain degree of anti-deficit tendency and high nationalist sentiment. After the Middle East Road War broke out, the intellectuals' understanding of the Soviet Union changed. Began to think more about Sino-Soviet relations and policies towards the Soviet Union from the perspective of safeguarding national rights and interests. During the Boli meeting, intellectuals began to reflect more systematically on the actions of the national government during the Middle East Road incident. By criticizing the National Government and the League of Nations, we realized the serious consequences of the anti-Communist consciousness leading to foreign exchanges, and the call for the resumption of Sino-Soviet relations re-emerged. In short, during the whole process of the Middle East Road incident, In the eyes of the intellectuals, the Soviet Union's image is becoming less and less ideological. When the intellectuals discuss the Soviet Union, they comment more from the angle of international relations. It is not just seen as an exportation of communism that is actively propagandizing. This shows an improvement in the understanding of Sino-Soviet relations in the intellectual world.
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