本文选题:冯玉祥 切入点:日本观 出处:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:冯玉祥的日本观阶段性明显,"北京政变"和"九一八"事变是两个重要的转折点。"北京政变"之前,冯玉祥盲目仇视日本,"北京政变"后冯玉祥的日本观表现为矛盾的双重性。到了 "九一八"事变之后,民族危机加深,冯玉祥的日本观发展为坚定抗日救亡的思想。本文分为三个部分:第一部分主要论述冯玉祥日本观的形成和发展。冯玉祥入伍开始,就对日本抱有仇视的心理。此时的冯玉祥受民族主义思想影响,认为帝国主义是侵略中国的元凶,加之自身认识的局限,不能把日本帝国主义和日本人民区分开来。"北京政变"是冯玉祥军政生涯的重要转折点,这一阶段冯玉祥与日本的交往增多,一方面为了自身发展主张与日本合作,另一方面仍对日保持警惕,保持反日态度。这一阶段冯玉祥日本观内容复杂,是与冯玉祥所处的位置和局势相关。"九一八"事变之后,民族危机加深,冯玉祥坚定地举起抗日大旗,其日本观发展为抗日救亡思想。第二部分主要论述了冯玉祥日本观的内涵。虽然冯玉祥的日本观阶段性明显,每个阶段有所不同,但主要体现在抗战时期的抗日救亡思想。冯玉祥认为中日两国必有一战,冯玉祥提出的抗战策略是坚持"持久的游击战"以及联合日本的反战人士,冯玉祥坚信抗战终会胜利。第三部分主要写了冯玉祥日本观的影响和评价。虽然冯玉祥在抗日战争时期大部份时间身处闲职,但坚决地举抗日大旗,积极鼓励西北军旧部抗日,其麾下旧部西北军将领如宋哲元、张自忠、佟麟阁等人,英勇抗战,在抗日战场发挥了重要作用。在抗日战争中,冯玉祥奔波各地演讲鼓舞人心,掀起"献金运动"等运动支持抗日。冯玉祥表现出坚决抗日的态度,以及坚信抗战必胜的信念,在同时期的国民党高级将领中表现出了可贵之处。"九一八"事变之后,冯玉祥的抗日救亡思想,是其日本观中的闪亮部分。这一阶段也是冯玉祥日本观完善成熟的时期,他已认识到日本侵略中国的本质,并积极思考抗日战略,在认真研究日本国情后坚信中国抗战必胜。冯玉祥积极投身抗日洪流中,领导了察哈尔抗日同盟军,鼓舞西北军旧部投身抗战,壮大抗日力量,在抗日最艰苦的年代,冯玉祥更是四处奔走,鼓舞民众信心。目前学界对冯玉祥的研究成果较多,但对其日本观缺乏系统的研究,本文对此作一初步的尝试,试图丰富冯玉祥的研究成果。
[Abstract]:Feng Yuxiang's concept of Japan is clearly phased. The "Beijing coup" and the "918" incident were two important turning points. Before the "Beijing coup," Feng Yuxiang's blind hatred of Japan, after the "Beijing coup", Feng Yuxiang's view of Japan was manifested as a contradictory duality. After the "918" incident, the national crisis deepened. Feng Yuxiang's view of Japan has developed into a firm idea of resisting Japan and saving the nation. This article is divided into three parts: the first part mainly discusses the formation and development of the Japanese view of Feng Yuxiang. Feng Yuxiang began to enlist in the army. At this time Feng Yuxiang was influenced by nationalist ideas and considered imperialism to be the culprit of the invasion of China, in addition to the limitations of his own understanding. Japanese imperialism cannot be distinguished from the Japanese people. The "Beijing coup d'茅 tat" was an important turning point in Feng Yuxiang's military and political career. At this stage, Feng Yuxiang's contacts with Japan increased. On the one hand, he advocated cooperation with Japan for his own development. On the other hand, it remains vigilant and anti-Japanese. At this stage, Feng Yuxiang's view of Japan is complicated and is related to the position and situation of Feng Yuxiang. After the "918" incident, the national crisis deepened. Feng Yuxiang firmly held up the flag of resistance against Japan, and his Japanese view developed into the idea of resisting Japan and saving Japan. The second part mainly discusses the connotation of the Japanese view of Feng Yuxiang. Although Feng Yuxiang's concept of Japan is obvious in stages, it varies from stage to stage. However, it is mainly embodied in the idea of resisting Japan and saving the nation during the Anti-Japanese War. Feng Yuxiang believes that there must be a war between China and Japan. The strategy put forward by Feng Yuxiang is to persist in "lasting guerrilla warfare" and to unite with anti-war figures in Japan. Feng Yuxiang firmly believes that the War of Resistance against Japan will eventually prevail. The third part mainly deals with the influence and evaluation of Feng Yuxiang's view of Japan. Although Feng Yuxiang spent most of the period of the War of Resistance against Japan, he resolutely held up the banner of resistance against Japan and actively encouraged the old department of the Northwest Army to resist Japan. The northwest generals under his command, such as Song Che-yuan, Zhang Zizhong, Tong Linge, played an important role in the War of Resistance against Japan. During the War of Resistance against Japan, Feng Yuxiang made inspirational speeches throughout the country. He set off a "fund donation movement" and other movements to support the resistance against Japan. Feng Yuxiang demonstrated a firm attitude against Japan and his conviction that the war would be won, which was valuable among the senior Kuomintang generals of the same period. After the "918" incident, Feng Yuxiang's thought of resisting Japan and saving the nation from death is a shining part of his view of Japan. This stage is also a period of perfect and mature Japanese view. He has realized the essence of Japan's invasion of China and actively pondered over the anti-Japanese strategy. After seriously studying the national conditions of Japan, he firmly believed that China would win the War of Resistance against Japan. Feng Yuxiang actively participated in the flood of resistance against Japan, led Chahar's anti-Japanese allies, and encouraged the old troops of the Northwest Army to join in the war of resistance and to strengthen the strength of the resistance, so that in the most difficult years of anti-Japanese aggression, Feng Yuxiang is running around, encouraging people's confidence. At present, academic circles have more research results on Feng Yuxiang, but lack of systematic research on his view of Japan, this paper makes a preliminary attempt to enrich the research results of Feng Yuxiang.
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