本文选题:苏联历史 切入点:教学理论 出处:《当代中国史研究》2015年05期
[Abstract]:In the 1950s, under the influence of the national study of the Soviet Union, historians went to the Soviet Union to study the historical teaching experience through the translation and introduction of Soviet history teaching works, and used the Soviet model to reform the old history education. Soviet experts came to China to guide history teaching, so that Soviet history teaching theories and methods were widely disseminated in China. In the process of studying Soviet history teaching theories and methods, Chinese teachers used the Soviet Union's history textbook model for reference. A new history teaching material has been compiled, and the effectiveness and vitality of history teaching has been enhanced by drawing lessons from Soviet history teaching methods. It is of great significance to study Soviet history teaching theory and teaching methods for improving the quality of history teaching in New China. New China has established a history teaching system guided by historical materialism: the history course has received unprecedented attention; history teaching has taken a standardized path; history teaching has been taught in history.
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