本文选题:晚清 切入点:捻军 出处:《河北师范大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:鸦片战争后,整个中国陷入政治危机中,既有外患也有内忧,列强侵略不止,内部各地区起义不断,各种社会矛盾激化,社会动荡不安。河南东南部在多省交界处,政治统治力量薄弱,咸丰初年在太平天国起义的影响下,这一地区的一些贫苦农民铤而走险,暴力反抗社会,形成了咸同年间的捻军运动,社会秩序失控,到光绪时期仍然是“元气未复”。晚清政府从维护自身统治的角度出发,采取一系列的政策和措施,来加强对河南东南部治安问题的治理和控制。 本文以晚清为研究阶段,试图研究河南东南部在这一时期的动乱背景,动乱的状况,政府对治安问题的治理和防御,试着从侧面反映这个时期河南东南部的时代特征。论文拟从以下章节来进行论述: 第一部分:论述咸丰、同治朝时期河南东南部的治安状况。河南东南部处于多省交界处,地域上易于匪众流窜,同时这一区域尚武风气浓厚,容易意气用事。道光朝时期捻党私枭活动猖獗,咸丰同治年间的捻军活跃。 第二部分:论述光绪、宣统朝时期河南东南部的治安状况。捻军的活动使得光绪朝元气未复,战争中遗留下来的原捻军成员和遣散的游勇成潜在的威胁,盗窃和抢劫和因灾导致的治安事件不断。 第三部分:详述晚清政府在河南东南部的治安政策和措施。政府实施坚壁清野、缉捕盗贼、军事镇压和思想控制的措施来治理出现的社会问题。 最后为结语。晚清时期河南东南部社会动荡不安,历史留给我们的思索,社会的和平和安宁需要多方面的努力。
[Abstract]:After the Opium War, the whole of China fell into a political crisis, with both external and internal worries. The invasion of foreign powers continued, the internal regional uprisings continued, various social contradictions intensified, and the society became unstable. The southeastern part of Henan was at the border of several provinces. Under the influence of the Taiping Heavenly Rebellion in the early years of Xianfeng, some poor peasants in this area took the risk of taking risks, violently rebelling against society, forming the twisting army movement of the same period, and the social order was out of control. The late Qing government adopted a series of policies and measures to strengthen the management and control of the public security problems in the southeast of Henan Province from the point of view of maintaining its own rule. Taking the late Qing Dynasty as the research stage, this paper attempts to study the background of the unrest in the southeast of Henan Province during this period, the situation of the unrest, the governance and defense of the government to the problem of public order. This paper tries to reflect the characteristics of the era in the southeast of Henan Province from the side. This paper will discuss from the following chapters:. The first part discusses the security situation in the southeast of Henan Province in the period of Xianfeng and Tongzhi dynasties. Daoguang dynasty twist party smuggling activities rampant, Xianfeng Tongzhi years of twisting army active. The second part discusses the security situation in the southeast of Henan Province during the period of Guang Xu and Xuantong dynasties. The activities of the twisting army have made Guang Xu's vitality unrestored, and the original members of the Nian Army left over from the war and the demobilized tour bravery become a potential threat. Burglaries and robberies and disaster-related security incidents continue. The third part describes the public security policies and measures of the late Qing government in the southeast of Henan Province. The government implements the measures of "fortitude clearance", "arrest of thieves", "military repression" and "ideological control" to deal with the social problems. The last part is the conclusion. In the late Qing Dynasty, the society in the southeast of Henan was turbulent, the history left us thinking, the peace and tranquillity of the society needs the efforts of many aspects.
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